I'm going to close my Meandering blog sometime this year. I'm working on how to save the photos and posts as there are so many, many things here that I want to keep. Years of my life with Alan, and our adventures and travels that I don't want to lose. I've heard the whole blog can be put on a memory stick or USB, but I'm not sure how that works, nor have I figured it out yet.
It's been nearly a year since last October when I went back to Edinburgh to see family and friends. It was a painful, sad, tearful journey, but also filled with love and kindness. After I returned, I started a new blog: www.justone-terlee.blogspot.com where I write about this new life: being on my own. There are stories, sometimes poetry, lots of photos, a tear now and then, and often a laugh or at least a smile.
Stop by sometime...