Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Friday, December 18, 2009


We had our first snowfall yesterday.  I was hoping for a real deluge, but alas, though it snowed all day and into the night, it melted almost as fast as it fell.  This morning, on the Ozzy walk, I was expecting a Winter Wonderland effect in the mountains, but it was so dark and dreary, the mountains just blended into the gloom.  Figures.  It never fails that if I don't have my camera I've missed the shot of a lifetime, and if I do, nothing.

In any case, I was thinking, as we got home from the walk, what a contrast the rose garden was today, compared to July.  So, for a hit of lush Summer vs the bleakness of Winter, see below.  I suppose we really need Winter to remind us of how wonderful Summer is...right?  Sigh...

Beautiful July

Bleak December

My only other news is the book is now at 84K, Chapter 35, 418 pages...and I don't have a clue how I'm going to finish it..!!  I know where I'm going, but it's taking me a really long time to get there.  Course, once I finish, it will be revision and rewrite, meaning I will no doubt end up with a short story once I cut out all the crap.  Still.  It's been an amazing thing to do.  Now, if I could just get to the bloody end..!!

So, since today is a "work" day, I'd best get to writing, rather than blogging.  Before I go, let's all bow our heads, cross our fingers and with real feeling, begin to chant:  
Come On Spring..!!

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