And speaking of older...tomorrow is Alan's birthday, a birth date he shares with our neighbor and friend, Morag. So, if you've been following this blog, you know that I bake a cake and cut it in half so Alan gets his half and Morag gets the other half. Works for me.
I thought I would share some photos of Oz, though I don't have his first two years. In his first year he was a show dog and lived with other people. Two days before his first birthday, he came to live with us and start a normal dog's life. I didn't have the digital camera then, so all the photos are in a box in storage. I don't think he's changed much, even considering he only weighed 4 lbs on his first birthday. Now, in his manly years, he's a perfect hunk at about 8 lbs.
4 years ago I went to the States for 6 months or so, and of course, took Oz with me. About a month before we came back to Scotland, I got him this very cool traveling crate, that he actually loved to hang out in. I left it open so he could wander in and out, which made it ever so much easier when it was time to fly away as he was so comfortable in it. He looks so little in this photo. He was three.
He loves his birthday presents...and Christmas fact, any presents in the house he considers are his. He is the Prince, you know.
Ozzy with his monkey bear. We bought him this little squeak toy that I thought was a bear and Alan thought was a monkey. It became the monkey bear. He still loves it.
So. Happy Birthday, my adorable, sweet, drive-me-nuts-when-you-freak-out-at-the-postman, darling boy! And just to prove it's not all about Ozzy: Happy Birthday to Alan and Morag, too..!!
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