Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Friday, April 30, 2010


My book arrived today...!! It is so incredibly exciting to hold it in my hand, flip open the pages, read my words. My words. Jeez, I think I'm having a heart attack.  Wait a minute while I catch my breath...

I've already found a few errors (one in particular on the back cover), but that's why this is the Proof Copy and not the real finished one.  Still, it's pretty real to me.

Here's the cover --
And here's the back --
(If you click on the pictures, you can read the words)

Isn't it totally cool how the shield on the front is a blow-up graphic on the back...?? Holy Crap, what a big deal this is for me. I'm going to sit down over the weekend and read it as if it's just a book I picked up at the bookstore. I hope it's a good story.  

Okay, feeling lightheaded now...must take more deep breaths and try to relax before I keel over and ruin my buzz.

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