So, below are some photos, before and afters. On Friday when the last bit of stuff is taken away, we will literally be on the floor. In a way, it's pretty funny. Saturday, when I can't get up off the floor, I might not think that.
Main bedroom, before:
The Den, before:
Living Room, before:
Weird, huh. The house is so empty, and echoes now with footsteps and voices. Ozzy is beside himself and so not a happy camper. I'm depressed to be leaving Scotland. Alan wants to leave yesterday. Interesting how we're each handling the experience.
This will probably be my last blog for a few days. I'll be busy cleaning and organizing, plus trying to appease and reassure a very confused and unhappy wee dog. Sunday we leave for York, which I am looking forward to. I love York, but especially love Bettys, arguably the best bakery/tea room in England. My friends, Susan and David, took me there many years ago, where I had my first scone, with jam and real Devonshire clotted cream. Yum, yum, yummmmmm. It's about the halfway mark between Edinburgh and London so we're taking two days to leisurely drive down. Heard the weather's to be beautiful too, so should have some photos for the blog.
Next time I write, the house will be no more, Alan, Oz and I will be homeless, and the real adventure will have begun. Gulp.
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