Saturday Alan worked on the second coat of stain for the front, while I tackled the kitchen. Honestly, I know the kitchen is big (12 large cupboards, 2 corner "Lazy Susan" cupboards and 10 drawers), but it seemed to grow exponentially as the day went on. When we moved in, it appeared the house had been cleaned, but on closer inspection, it really hadn't. So I took everything out of the cupboards--and I should mention there wasn't a lot in them to begin with as we are still waiting for all our stuff to arrive from Scotland; we're basically camping at the moment--and scrubbed until my fingers were worn to the nub. Meanwhile, Alan got everything done on the front and between us, we accomplished two major projects, though I was so tired by the end of the day, I could hardly move.
Sunday we got a late start on things, mainly because of the aforementioned couldn't move deal. We decided it was too much effort to start staining the back deck, so we sort of took the day off, dinked at some odd jobs, then drank a nice bottle of wine, had dinner and drifted off to bed. Maybe because of the wine the weekend was lost...?? Nah...
This morning Brian (the contractor) called to say the guys couldn't come today, which actually turned out fine really, because we went to DMV and got new plates on the car. We now blend right in with everyone else, and will no longer be the Outsiders..!! Yippee..!! I can flip people off, shout out the window, and honk with wild abandon at anyone with out-of-state plates--just like the rest of the residents have done to us.
One major thing I have to mention: IT RAINED..!!! I woke up this morning to the heavenly sound of rain bouncing off the roof. It's been over two months with nary a drop. Unfortunately, we really should have stained the deck yesterday, because now the raw wood is soaking up the rain, and we can't stain until it dries. Bad, bad procrastinating kids. It's to be in the 90s by Thursday, so eventually things will dry out, though we'll be lucky to get the first coat on before our company arrives on Saturday. Buggers.
Such a beautiful sight...
And though I am developing a love/hate relationship with the deer and swore I wouldn't take any more pictures of them, this morning Papa finally made an appearance. I have heard him a few times blowing loud snorts from the cover of the trees while he protects the womenfolk and the kidlets, but today was my first actual sight of him. He was pretty handsome...and if I were a female deer, I would go out with him, no question. Nice rack, huh...??
Then, to complete the Wildlife Safari morning, I happened to glance out the front window and saw this enormous Daddy Quail, with two "wives" and about 15 (yes, really) babies. He guarded the whole tribe from the vantage point of the driveway while the moms herded the little ones around the shrubs. I couldn't get a family portrait because half the babies stayed under the shrubbery, but a few brave ones ventured out and I managed to get these photos.
Dad...on guard
One of the mothers, with three intrepid explorers. They were all wet and mussed up, but so fat and cute.
Another mom and two more babies.
One photo I missed this weekend was of a Praying Mantis. He (she..?? Who can tell..??) was so cool, and found in my deer-decimated Crape Myrtle. By the time I went for the camera, he/she had vanished, but what an amazing insect. Alan had never seen one--other than on the telly--so he got up close and personal for a real look. It sat for awhile, doing its "praying" thing and washing its face and seemed very unconcerned about us. Wish I could have gotten his/her photo though.
Tomorrow the guys will be back to get going on the fence. I will continue with my domestic
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