We met with Matthew, the landscape guy, this morning and drove all over the valley looking at his previous projects. He does really good work. It helped us to decide what stone to use for the wall in the front of the house, and what to use for the pathways (one to the Sink Hole near the back door, and the other off the back deck to the Path of Doom). After we had made our decisions, I was ready for him to start right away, but unfortunately, he is so busy, we are on his schedule for sometime in January. Nuts.
When we were finished with Matthew, we took Ozzy to the park, and while we sat in the glorious mid-70s sunshine, talking about the landscaping, we remembered we had planned to have the house painted early next year. Well, it doesn't make much sense to have all this wonderful work done to the yard, then have painter people trash the new shrubs and trees while they paint. (Can you hear the sound of coins clinking--lots and lots of coins--as they drop into the money pit..?? Yeah, me too.)
We're now trying to figure out how to find a reliable paint contractor, which is difficult when you're new to an area and don't know anyone. We totally lucked out when we found Brian, the deck guy, as he and his crew did the best job we could have wanted, plus recommended Matthew. I called a company that Alan noticed the other day as we drove up the mountain. They were doing a building, which from the street, looks really good. They are coming tomorrow to give us an estimate, and though I realize it would be better to get the painting done first, then the landscaping in the new year, I'm having trouble thinking clearly over the ka-ching, ka-ching noises.
I forgot to post a few photos the other day. My sister brought me two totally great things when she came last weekend (besides the Trader Joe's stuff). She and Scott went to Port Townsend a few weeks back--a place they love, and manage to visit several times a year. She ran into some folks from the local Writers Workshop and told them about my NaNo experience last year, and my book, etc. Here's what she brought me:
Is that funny, or what..?? I will have my morning coffee in this mug, starting November 1st.
Then there was this...and though I will never use it as intended--it's too cool--I have it on my reference book shelf where the heavenly aroma of lavender fills the study. I had a good laugh at the cleverness of the label.
Have you ever coveted a piece of cookware..?? I am usually fighting domesticity with everything I'm worth, so there isn't much that makes me drool, cookware-wise. Except...a Lodge cast iron Dutch Oven, in bright, gleaming red.
Alan and I were grocery shopping at Freddie's the other day and as we turned down the housewares aisle, this stunning, gorgeous red thing captivated me. When I saw it was a Lodge, I had to stifle the whimpers before I embarressed myself in public. If there's one pot/pan/whatever that I have always wanted, it would be this. I told Alan about Lodge cookware, and how much I'd love to have this pot one day...and bless him, he decided it would make a perfect anniversary gift (remember last week, the anniversary-that-wasn't..??) I tried to muster the suitable, "No, no. Not now, just sometime before I die, I would love one of these Dutch Ovens." He could tell my heart wasn't really into refusing, so he gave me the please, spare me look, and put it in the trolley.
When we got home I left the groceries on the counter and unwrapped my treasure first thing. At least five times a day I fondle the sides, or lift the lid. I can't even have it out of my sight, so it sits on the stove top. God knows how I will ever cook anything in it...it's far to beautiful to be sullied with food.
And how could I possibly mar this pristine, white porcelain interior with...ugh...food..??
Still. There's also my fantasy of making a big pot of chicken and dumplings on a cold, winter's night, so maybe when that day comes, I'll actually be able to use my dream Dutch Oven. Maybe.
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