Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Friday, December 10, 2010

Flix on Friday...

Wednesday afternoon--a beautiful, sunny day--we went to the park where I filmed a lovely video of the Umpqua River, and another one of Ozzy. When we got home I downloaded them to my video/movie program, but after two hours of struggling, I could NOT get the flaming things to upload on my blog. I was really frustrated, and fairly cranky, as I had no problem a few weeks earlier posting those two mini-videos of Ozzy.

So, yesterday I made another attempt and did a Tour of the House video.  We had just come back indoors after a very chilly walk, so you will hear me sniffing (what a dope..!!) throughout the entire tour. Next time I will blow my nose first. Then there's the part where I trip walking toward the hallway (the "oh god" bit), then crack my shin on the side of the bed, and a few instances of "speed filming" where I move the camera too fast.  Ignore all that.  This is just an experiment as I continue to learn how my camera shoots video. Plus, I think it's cool to show the house "live" so to speak, rather than in flat pictures.


After typing the above, I couldn't upload the Tour video either.  Several hours later (seriously, I spent most the night on this process), I finally downloaded all three videos to YouTube, got the embed codes, and voila, Bob's your uncle.

This first video is Wednesday, at Stewart Park, with Ozzy...and Alan's inadvertent cameo.  Towards the end, the breeze blocks out my voice, though that's okay as it's at the end of the video anyway.

Same day, and a lovely moment along the river.  You can hear the water rushing in the background.  It was nearly 60* and felt more like an early Spring day than mid-December.

I was testing the camera here, and got carried away.  I only meant to get a few seconds of Ozzy goofing around with his toys, but ended up spending over 6 minutes on a tour of the house.  It's not very good, though for my readers in Scotland: now you can see the house in more detail.  Grab a cup of coffee or tea, people...it's a long one.  And once again, Alan makes a cameo appearance...sigh.


Though I think I have this all worked out, I won't know for sure until I actually post, so here goes...and with any luck, I hope you enjoy these few diversions on a dreary, rainy Friday.

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