Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Busy, busy...

Yesterday we went with Matthew, the landscape guy, to a local nursery to see what plants/trees we wanted for the grounds.  Saturday we are to drive north to the big city and go to a large nursery supply place, but Matthew wanted a glimmer of what I had in mind, so we went local first.

It was a glorious afternoon to be out looking at flowers and plants.  Got to 71* and was so warm and pleasant, it made wandering around the gardens totally enjoyable.  We bought a few things--because Matthew said his supplier up north didn't carry these particular specimens--then more or less nailed down the types of plantings I have been envisioning, at least for the most part.  

Here's what we got yesterday...

I love these:  Mexican Feather Grass.  I will plant these around some boulders, maybe with a fern or two for company.  Up close they are variegated, with gold and green and yellow all mixed together.

At the side of the house, near the back door, is a very shaded, quiet area.  These Hellebore will work just perfectly there...

I couldn't resist this beauty.  The fragrance, the twisty coil of the branches, and the perfect little white flowers just captivated me from the first moment.  This Osmanthus will grow about 6 feet tall, so the place where it's sitting in the photo is just about where it's new home will be when we're ready.  It will cover up the mine shaft area under the porch stairs...and smell heavenly when we're sitting out on the front deck.

Again, irresistible.  These Japonica usually come in white, but when I saw these delicate, Victorian looking, rose-colored ones, well, what can I say...I had to snatch them up.  The perfect mauve/rose color isn't coming across in the photo, but you can sort of get the tone.

Here's the whole group, including the new deep purple Lilac tree which will go in the backyard on the slope.  This is just the tiny beginnings of the ultimate finished garden, but I feel it's a good start.

Of course, I can't have any of the flowers from the Edinburgh cottage garden, though there will be some flowering shrubs, ferns, herbs and a variety of daylily that the deer supposedly won't eat.  It's really annoying that I have to build the new garden around the wildlife, but there you go.  Such is life in the wilderness.

Almost forgot.  I took these shots of the back last night, after we returned from the nursery.  This is the new landing as you step off the back deck.

Ozzy, sitting on the edge of the landing before going down the steps...

The piazza, steps and new enclosure wall.  The shadows make the stone on the piazza look a different color...they're not.  All the stones are the same color.

In this photo, I'm standing on the upper deck, looking down onto the piazza.  The part where the steps go down, and where it looks slightly dangerous if you fell off, will be where the BBQ or one of the whiskey barrel planters will go to minimize the break-your-neck aspect.

All things considered, when the plants and trees are in place, the back will look pretty good.  And how totally cool to be rid of the Path of Doom...


Today we went over the planting diagram Matthew drew up, based on yesterday's field trip, and with any luck, the front will look very cool by this time next week.  More rhododendrons than I would have liked, though I understand the why and wherefore of having them:  color, concealment and deer-proofing.  To me, they require a lot of maintenance, like roses, but if they serve their purpose, I guess it's okay that I'll have to pinch a million sticky deadheads after the growing season.


I'll be off the grid tomorrow for the jury duty crap, and again on Saturday as we head to the big city for the landscape stuff, so have a great weekend everyone.  I can only hope you'll have a much better Friday than I anticipate having.  Buggers...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Yes, dirt.  Piles and mounds and hills of dirt.  The top soil is going in today on the front yard, which is exciting and encouraging, and already is making things look better.

The truck driver moves the rig by remote control, which is interesting.  In this picture, he's just making sure all is ready for the dirt to be blown into the yard.

Now he's standing in the road, remotely spraying the soil and moving the truck along as Matthew watches the flow.  It's very good soil--really rich and loamy--and should be great for all the new plantings and trees.  Though, I've gotta say, it's pretty strange to see this huge dump truck move along with no one in the driver's seat.  Right now it's reversing up the road, seemingly by itself, no one in the cab, though the steering wheel is moving...

It's great to finally be heading toward the planting stage.  We're starting to think of what trees and shrubs to put in, plus I want to make a trek to this place Matthew has mentioned that has really cool boulders; there are a few places around the front that I want more rugged and natural.

Today it's in the high 60s, warm and totally pleasant tee shirt weather (I know...how amazing is that..??).  And look..!!!  The Birch trees in the front are getting their leaves.  I can't believe it.  The trees have sprouted almost overnight.  Truly, Spring is here...at least in southern Oregon. 


The landscape guys are still working to finish the backyard, too.  Later today I will take some photos of the ex-Path of Doom, and the new piazza.  I was very cranky when they jackhammered my planting/privacy area, though it has given me a larger area for my little piazza/niche space.  I'll just have to do containers, I guess, instead of ground planting.

Speaking of containers.  We got two whiskey half-barrels over the weekend--at a very good price I might add--and because there's no place to put them outside just yet, we stored them in the garage.  OMG.  I could have gotten falling-down drunk on the fumes the next morning when I walked into the garage...!!  Wow.  Talk about a contact high...whew..!!  The fumes have mostly dissipated now, over these past few days--with the garage doors wide open--and I can only hope that whatever was stored in these barrels will help my plants grow.  Either that, or it will make alcoholics of the deer when they eat them.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Not Much...

Stormy, stormy, stormy Tuesday.  Another wet walk with the dogs.  March will slog into April in a few days...and April is always about rain.  Though, when all is said and done, rain is truly why any of us live in the Northwest: we love the green, green hills and valleys, trees and landscapes...all due to the rain.  I'm absolutely positive the reason I felt instantly at home in Scotland was for that very reason: the rain, which brings the myriad greens to life.


Today starts Week Seven of no smoking.  It's amazing really.  Even though I feel ever so much better, not a day goes by that I don't have a...let's see, what's a polite word for it...hmmm.  Okay.  At some point, every single day, I have a moment where I would mow down a flock of school children to have a smoke.  Thankfully, I resist the urge to do any mowing or smoking.  It helps a great deal that we aren't around anyone who smokes, and rarely encounter a smoker when we're out and about.  I'm beginning to think Alan and I were the last two people in Oregon who were still lighting up.  Now we've become two of those self-righteous non-smokers we used to blow smoke rings at.  Sad, but true...


Here's a laugh for the day.  These twins, 17 months old, are having the most involved conversation.  It makes perfect sense to them, as you can see.  I think, as an outside observer, it has something to do with a missing sock.  Very cute, and I have no doubt in my mind, they understand what each other is saying...


ABC and People magazine did an online poll for the all time Best in Film.   There were 15 categories (Best Movie, Best Comedy, Best Action, etc.), and only films in the English-speaking language.  Over 500,000 people voted.  I was surprised at a few of the winners, not so surprised at others.  

For Best Movie, I would think it a toss-up between Gone with the Wind or To Kill a Mockingbird, though only the winners are posted, not the runners-up.  Interesting to see which films took the honors.


Had to go grocery shopping this morning, then take the dogs walking, have lunch, blah, blah, so I'm pretty behind on some stuff I didn't finish yesterday.  Because of the damn frigging crap jury duty obligation starting Friday, I'm trying to get organized, just in case the worst case scenario happens (i.e. I actually get stuck on a jury), so best get on with what's left of the day.

It's such a dreary Tuesday though, maybe I'll just go make brownies instead.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Stuff

Did you all remember to shut your lights off on Saturday for Earth Hour..??  I was deep in my book when suddenly Alan started shutting off the living room lamps.  Scowling, I said, "What are you doing..??  Reading here..." 

He gave me a look, then said "It's 8:32..."  Well crap.  Leave it to me to get all involved in the book plot, and forget about the reality plot.

It's very, very dark up here on the mountain.  There are no street lights and we're up beyond the reach of any residual light from down below, so the darkness is nearly absolute when you've turned everything off.   It's cool, though also creepy if you start imagining things...like what really goes bump in the night...

The response around the world was totally overwhelming, with millions of people participating and hundreds of countries.  The most interesting thing to me though was Scotland became the first country to get 100% support across all municipal councils in the nation. In other words, the whole of Scotland got behind Earth Hour.


Yesterday was another blustery, stormy day.  There just isn't a time during the day to take the dogs walking lately without getting rained on in some fashion.  Though, after the afternoon walk, we managed to get home before this monumental storm came charging over the Valley with serious rain and wind.  With the way our house sits--exposed on all sides--some days it feels like we're lost at sea in a rudderless ship; even the creaking of the house as the winds wail around the corners sound like an ocean-tossed vessel.

In the midst of all this weather excitement, I noticed this odd rainbow across the Valley floor. It wasn't an arch, and was barely above the ground...more like a band of color, just shimmering in the air.  I took several photos, but really, this is one of those times where you  had to be there.  The colors just didn't translate to the photos, though even if you can't see the rainbow, you can sure see those storm clouds coming...



The Oxford English Dictionary's latest edition has just come out, with revisions on over 1,900 words and an additional bunch of new ones, including "initialisms" like OMG, LOL, and TMI among others.  For a complete list--which is really interesting--check out the OED site. 

Funnily enough, I looked up initialism (cool word) in my Concise Oxford Dictionary, 1983 edition.  No such word existed at that time.  Modern technology has changed much in our world, hasn't it..??  For better or ill remains to be seen...


I have a ton of chores to get done today so must get on with things.

Mondays.  Crap...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cinema Sunday

There are some brilliant animation short films out in the big world these days.  I don't post them as they usually run anywhere from 4 to 20 minutes--too long for the normal blog attention span and/or a person's time frame during the week.  However, I think Sunday is a great day to share some of my favorites: a day usually not too busy or fraught with other things.

So.  Take a wee Sunday break and watch French Roast, a wonderful film about a snobby Frenchman, having coffee in a cafe, realizing too late that he doesn't have his wallet.

Enjoy the rest o' your day...and this short film.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Chaos and Cat Naps...

I had a computer/camera glitch this morning--I'm still not sure which.  I had planned to take a few photos, download them, do a quick blog, and get on with other things before it was time for the dogs' walk.  I took the pictures, went to my photo program...and discovered I no longer had the download function...in fact, my photo program had no recollection or memory of my camera.  Gone.  Zapped.  Disappeared into cyberspace.  It was like my camera, which I use nearly every day, didn't exist anymore.

This was soooo not good.  If I were still in the house in Edinburgh, I would know exactly where to lay my hands on the CD to reload the lost functions.  Unfortunately, I didn't have a bloody clue where that CD might be now.  Over an hour later, the house turned upside down, still no CD, though in all my cursing searching, I did manage to find a CD from an older version of another Canon camera I used to have, and miraculously, I was given the choice (after downloading the whole frigging program) of picking which series of camera I wanted to apply the program to.  And eureka.  It worked.  I was able to get the photos off the camera, into my photo program, and hey, only waste an hour and a half of my morning.  Buggers.


The Flowering Plum tree--next to the driveway--is in bloom.  It's pink, and pretty and I was reminded of how it looked in the Winter covered in snow, so I decided to do a seasonal montage--though Summer and Fall look fairly similar except for the background and a slight tinge of the color change.


I'll start with Summer.  We had just moved to America, to Roseburg, and into our new house.  I took this shot from the old deck, looking over the drive, in the scorching heat of August...


Late October and the Oaks are losing their leaves; the Plum still has plenty of foliage, though the color was changing from the Summer burgundy to a bright Fall red...


February, and the tree is buried under a beautiful Winter's blanket of soft, fluffy snow...

Today, nearly the end of March, and as the pink buds sparkle in the early Spring sunlight, another year in the life of this little Plum tree comes full circle.

Pretty cool, actually...


Though I have avoided taking photos of--or taking part in--the whole backyard fiasco, I've had a few inquiries about what it looks like, so this morning I sucked it up, and took these shots.  I'm not going to comment at this juncture however...

Even in the midst of muddy chaos...there is a bright spot...


The weather today is awful...lots of rain and winds and basically just dreary.  I'm very glad it's Saturday afternoon because I'm going to go find a good movie on the telly, have a cup of coffee with a cookie or two, and with any luck at all...I'll end up just like this before too long.  Care to join me..??

Friday, March 25, 2011

Tempus Fugit

Friday already.  The week has gone by really fast for some reason.  Actually, not only the week, but the month has just been speeding along--no doubt the quicker to arrive at April, and the beginning of my trials (yes, pun intended).  At this time next week I will be sitting in the damned courthouse beginning my month-long civic duty.  And, no, I will not stop ragging about this until the bloody month is over and my life/time/liberty have been restored.

Yeah, yeah...okay, moving on.


Notice the banner on the right there...??  Yep, that one, the one that's marking the countdown until Earth Hour, tomorrow, March 26th. 

Earth Hour started in Sydney, Australia in 2007, when 2.2 million individuals and more than 2,000 businesses turned their lights off for one hour to make a statement about climate change.  The next year the movement had 50 million people across 35 countries/territories participating.  Famous landmarks like the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Golden Gate Bridge and Rome’s Coliseum, stood in darkness for one Earth Hour.  In 2009, over 4,000 cities in 88 countries/territories officially switched off to pledge their support for the planet, making Earth Hour 2009 the world’s largest global climate change initiative ever held, though surpassed in 2010 when a record 128 countries and territories joined the global display.  People from all walks of life, around the world, turned off their lights and came together in celebration and contemplation of the one thing we all have in common – our planet.

So, do your part tomorrow:  Turn off the lights at your local time of 8:30pm for one hour.  Wherever you are, just switch 'em off, light a candle, relax for an hour.  It's a good thing...


I've got some funny and/or cute videos this morning.  Just some tidbits to lighten the day, bring a smile or two, and kick off the weekend.  So, fill up that coffee cup, settle back and take a wee break...


Cutest puppy video in the world.  First he doesn't want to wake up, then he gets cranky towards the end because he's been awakened, then left on his own.  Seriously...how adorable is this...??

I love this cat.  His name is Maru.  There have been several videos of him doing this "slide into the box" thing, though this is my favorite.  The way he splays himself out as he's diving into the cardboard is just too funny.  Even jamming into the table leg doesn't slow him down...

Another via petalot


Here are 18 very cool health remedies that you can do for yourself, using your own body.  Like how to get rid of that tickle in the back of your throat, or stop the brain freeze from ice cream, or unplug your sinuses.  Really good tips, and won't cost you a thing--my kind of health care.

Sunshine is good for us because we all--even our animals--need that Vitamin D.  Ozzy does this same thing.  There's a spot on the carpet at the front window that always gets the late morning sun, and that's right where he likes to stretch out.  Too bad it's been a bit dreary for that lately.


And now, to finish off our coffee break, let's take a moment to reengage our brains before going back to work.  Ready..??  Okay, inhale a deep, cleansing breath...hold...and exhale...very good.  Twice more...and it's time to get back to work.  
You can wait until later this afternoon for this:

Have a great weekend everyone...and don't forget about Earth Hour tomorrow..!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Just a wee bit of Scots Speak to kick off the day...though the above is more Glasgow than Edinburgh.  Still it's Scottish and I'm having one of those days where I want to tap my ruby red slippers together and go back...right this heel-clicking minute.

Ah well, back to the buckets of rain.  Another wave of monsoons is sweeping over the mountains this morning, including a really violent surge up and over our ridge.  It was pretty exciting for a time with whipping winds and torrential rain, making me very glad to be inside, and not out in the backyard trying to landscape.

My view out the study where I'm sitting this minute...as water pours down the window.

Different angle, same effect.  Somewhere out there is Roseburg, lost under the deluge.


This is a pretty amazing cat video.  Not because the cat does anything other than be a cat, but because it's truly astounding how cats can fit themselves into the smallest of spaces...and still think it's fun.  Towards the end there, I wasn't sure the cat still had its head attached...!!

It seems to be a cat day, today. 
How cute is this..??  And how clever of the cat owner to see the similarity with the top photo as kittens, and the bottom as adults.  I love this...and the "friends through thick and thin" part...aahhhhh...

I've sort of dawdled this morning, and now it's time to take the dogs for their walkies.  It has stopped raining--at the moment--so should take advantage of that.  Maybe I'll do another post later today since I'm being rushed out the door before I was finished writing...dammit.
(Yes, yes, I hear you, Ozzy..!!  Stop shouting...!!  I know it's time for your walk...) 
Buggers and bossy little dogs...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Gloomy Wednesday

Yesterday afternoon turned out just beautiful, with warm sunshine and those big fluffy clouds that look like cotton balls, or dragons, or sheep, or whatever your imagination decides.  It was great to walk the dogs without slogging through mud, or getting drenched in the Spring rains.  

Today is not quite so good.  It's been dark and overcast all morning...

...the kind of day where you really wish the dogs didn't need a long walk every afternoon.  Oh well.  It makes it doubly nice to get home, peel off the wet clothes, make some coffee and snuggle down with a book.

And have a piece of this delicious Pear Tart.  Whilst at Costco on Monday, I couldn't resist a small flat of pears.  I love a good pear, and will eat the ones remaining, but my intent was to make this tart--recipe from my Mom.  It's a very rustic, peasant-like tart, easy to make, and yummy.  I know, I know...I got a little carried away with the glaze--so sue me, I just wanted to make sure I had plenty to cover the whole tart.  (My story, sticking to it.)


Here's my wee boy, on the rug with a couple of toys.  He looked so calm and sweet, I just couldn't help snapping this picture, though if you look closely, you can see how his fur is growing back all fuzzy and pointy and wrong.  I sent a photo--right after his scalping--to the two guys in Edinburgh who have groomed him for years.  I got a reply the other day...and man, they were outraged on Ozzy's behalf.  They took such care with him, and he always looked so handsome and smart.  Now the poor wee thing looks like a badly mauled stuffed toy.


Speaking of dogs, and walks, it's about that time so I'll leave you with this:

Terje Sorgjerd – a landscape photographer from Norway - spent several weeks filming this spectacular time lapse video of the Aurora Borealis from the Kirkenes and Pas National Park.  At 70* north and 30* east, with temperatures around -25* Celsius, Sorgjerd managed to capture the Aurora in all its stunning beauty...and with a good soundtrack, too.  Take a minute, go to Norway, and enjoy...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Just a Tuesday...

Another day, another I've got nothing...

It's not that there aren't a plethora of things going on in the world: Japan, Libya, war, murder, mayhem; it's just that I don't want to talk about it, dwell on it, or wallow in the negativity that is our world these days.

So, when I say I've got nothing, it means I'm struggling to find something positive, uplifting, joyful, or at the very least something to give me just a tiny glimmer of a smile, a wee upward curve at the corner of my sneering lip, a lessening in the now-permanent furrow on my brow.  Sigh...it's bloody depressing some days, isn't it..??


The landscaping in the backyard is beyond my comprehension at the moment.  They have jackhammered most of area I was going to use for my planting ground.  There is this lovely, very small, secluded spot, almost under the back deck that is private and not overlooked by the neighbor's looming house.  I had visions of a small piazza, with a bistro table, my book, a gentle Summer's breeze, as the dogs lounged in their newly grassed backyard.  Now there is barely enough of the bedrock and/or dirt area left to plant a dandelion, let alone have the space I was envisioning.  I just don't get it, really I don't.

For now, I'm just trying to keep my sanity...and avoid this:


Here's something oddly cool.  Next time your power goes out, and you can't find the flashlight or any candles...try this.  Course, if you can't find the flashlight, you probably won't be able to find a nail, hammer or string either, but whatever.  This was interesting and you just never know when you might need a fishy smelling lamp-like...ah...oily thing.


Okay, this video, of a Corgi breaking the law on a golf course, actually wiped the sneer off my face this morning.  What wild abandon and sheer joy really mean...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Monday

For those of you at work today, make sure you touch base with your fellow co-workers.  You wouldn't want this to happen to you...or them.  Sad as the story seems, the moral--at the end of the article--is perfect.  (Click on it to read easier).

Yesterday was the first day of Spring.  Hard to believe when it's windy and cold and raining like crazy, but yes, we're now officially done with Winter.  That's got to be good...right..??  And any day now, it might actually seem like we're done with Winter.

Today at Costco I bought some bulbs to plant in containers.  Supposedly deer resistant, though I won't take a chance on that and will put the containers in the back where they will--hopefully--not tempt the deer to leap over the back fence for some tasty snacks.  Costco had a wonderful assortment to choose from and probably due to the fact I am starving for color, I couldn't resist.

I missed the Supermoon deal over the weekend.  It was just too stormy for the moon to break through the cloud cover in the skies over Roseburg.

The demolition in the back yard is going along, with jackhammering and tractoring and heaps and mounds of mud flinging.  Oh, and apparently there have been some changes made since Friday--the morons men having yet again left me out of the loop.  Really though, at this point I could care less.  I've got other things on the horizon to occupy my time and energy.

And, when all this crap is just a distant, unpleasant memory...how I will jump for joy...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday Meanderings

It's a half sunny, half cloudy day today.  Typical March I guess, really.  I'm hoping the sunny half is out when we take the dogs walking.

Just now, as I was sitting down to write, two huge turkey buzzards flew past my window.  I've missed them.  They migrate to southern Cal and Mexico for the winter--lucky birds.  We saw one yesterday when we were out in the Valley on the way to the park, but having two more fly over today means they're back.  I'm glad.  Remember this photo I took last Fall..??  How cool these birds are...


Tonight is a celestial event.  An extreme supermoon, which will make the moon appear larger and brighter than normal; it's also at the fullest part of its rotation.  The moon hasn't been this close to the Earth for eighteen years.  The real name for this phenomena is called a lunar perigee, though no matter what the astronomers call it, hopefully the clouds will part at some point this evening so I can see it for myself.


This video just goes to show: Dads--and engineer dads especially--should not be allowed to babysit, particularly when there are loose teeth, rockets and small boys involved.


Nothing really planned for the weekend.  I went to the local used bookstore the other day, turned in some books, got great credit, so when I found several books to buy, I only had to pay a few bucks.  My kind of shopping.  I have a nice pile of books to read now, and that seems like a good way to spend the weekend afternoons.

(How many Meerkats in this picture..??  This is how it looks at night from my perspective, with the two dogs in the bed.  I'm sure you can guess which one I am).


Well, yes, yes we do...Clever Dollar-Folding Person.


I will sign off now with this amazing photo.  I don't do many lizardy-type photos--other than the Alligator Lizards found in the front yard last month, and eewww, don't want to think about that right now--but this is a most beautiful Chameleon.  Nature is truly mind-boggling...

Credits:  Meerkats and Chameleon via Amo
Folded Dollar via Daily Picks

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Flix

I've got nothing to write about today, so I'm just going to share a few short but sweet videos that I like...


Boo is a YouTube sensation.  He's been in numerous videos, is known as the cutest dog in the world, and has his own Facebook fans--900,000 of them and counting.  Seriously.  As he is totally adorable, I thought I would share this little video of him scooting along the floor...


This is really cute.  Clever trick on the cat's part to get the wee kid to do the fetching...


Loved this.  Between the dog and the boy, it's just too funny.  A perfect finish for a Friday afternoon...


Enjoy your weekend...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Everybody's Irish" Day


Another year, another celebration of everyone on the planet claiming to have a wee bit o' Irish in their blood.  In my experience, there are more folks with Scottish blood than Irish, but what the heck, it makes for a good day of parades and fun and rivers (literally) of green beer.

Chicago takes its St Paddy's celebrations seriously--though they just dye the river green, they don't fill it with beer.

So here's an Irish toast for you all, no matter what's in the glass:

May you have warm words on a cold evening,
A full moon on a dark night,
And the road downhill all the way to your door.


Yesterday was eventful on two fronts.  First was the terrible weather that made driving on the freeway a treacherous and horrible experience.  Then, after nearly an hour of trying to see through the spray of numerous semi trucks,  and hydroplaning through flooded sections of the highway, we finally, gratefully, get to the tax place...to find out we don't have to deal with taxes this time around as we haven't resided in the country for an entire tax year.  We weren't in their office 10 minutes.

Yes, it was an OMG moment.  I had already mentioned this 'one year' factoid to Alan before he called the tax people, so I figured I was incorrect when we had to make the trip.  He swears he told them over the phone we hadn't been in the States very long.  Whatever.  All I know..??  We now had to make the harrowing return journey in deplorable weather when I could have been home, snug and comfy all along.

Still.  For a bit of perspective:  we don't have to deal with taxes this year.  That's a very good thing.  And, we lived to enjoy that good fortune, regardless of trucks, trailers, campers, RVs on an astoundingly bad day to be driving on the freeway, let alone actually leave the safety of the house.


This is absolutely hilarious.  The baby doesn't know if it should be terrified or happy when Mom blows her nose.  The look on the babe's face is priceless...


Landscape update.  The guys couldn't work yesterday, due to weather conditions, so it wasn't until this morning that they managed to start the demolition of the back garden area.  We will have a landing off the back deck, then steps down the old Path of Doom to a new grassed area.  The dogs will have a lovely new place to hang out on those scorching Dog Days of Summer, and I won't have to risk life and limb just to get from the deck down the slope.

Here are two photos from last Summer, looking up the Po'D.


Standing on the back deck, looking down...this is what things look like today...


Yikes..!!  It's a big backyard full of...mud..!!  I just hope the weather holds off or we could end up with an interesting waterfall of sludge going right over the bank and down the mountain.

Speaking of the weather holding off, there is snow in the mountains this morning, though thankfully, not on our mountain.  Seems March is very chaotic in southern Oregon, at least so far.  Right now, the sun is shining through the cloud cover, so this might be the time to get the dogs out on their walk.

Enjoy St Paddy's Day, whether you've got a drop o' the Irish in you, or not...