Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Stuff

Did you all remember to shut your lights off on Saturday for Earth Hour..??  I was deep in my book when suddenly Alan started shutting off the living room lamps.  Scowling, I said, "What are you doing..??  Reading here..." 

He gave me a look, then said "It's 8:32..."  Well crap.  Leave it to me to get all involved in the book plot, and forget about the reality plot.

It's very, very dark up here on the mountain.  There are no street lights and we're up beyond the reach of any residual light from down below, so the darkness is nearly absolute when you've turned everything off.   It's cool, though also creepy if you start imagining things...like what really goes bump in the night...

The response around the world was totally overwhelming, with millions of people participating and hundreds of countries.  The most interesting thing to me though was Scotland became the first country to get 100% support across all municipal councils in the nation. In other words, the whole of Scotland got behind Earth Hour.


Yesterday was another blustery, stormy day.  There just isn't a time during the day to take the dogs walking lately without getting rained on in some fashion.  Though, after the afternoon walk, we managed to get home before this monumental storm came charging over the Valley with serious rain and wind.  With the way our house sits--exposed on all sides--some days it feels like we're lost at sea in a rudderless ship; even the creaking of the house as the winds wail around the corners sound like an ocean-tossed vessel.

In the midst of all this weather excitement, I noticed this odd rainbow across the Valley floor. It wasn't an arch, and was barely above the ground...more like a band of color, just shimmering in the air.  I took several photos, but really, this is one of those times where you  had to be there.  The colors just didn't translate to the photos, though even if you can't see the rainbow, you can sure see those storm clouds coming...



The Oxford English Dictionary's latest edition has just come out, with revisions on over 1,900 words and an additional bunch of new ones, including "initialisms" like OMG, LOL, and TMI among others.  For a complete list--which is really interesting--check out the OED site. 

Funnily enough, I looked up initialism (cool word) in my Concise Oxford Dictionary, 1983 edition.  No such word existed at that time.  Modern technology has changed much in our world, hasn't it..??  For better or ill remains to be seen...


I have a ton of chores to get done today so must get on with things.

Mondays.  Crap...

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