Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday Trivia...

Yesterday's trials and tribulations didn't happen after all.  I was not selected for jury duty as there is apparently nothing noteworthy in Douglas County requiring jurors--so far.  I am also off the hook for Monday, though for the rest of April, I have to call the Juror Hotline every night at 6:00pm to find out if I'm needed the following morning.  At least I don't have to go to the courthouse every day, which is a slight reprieve from my angst-ridden expectations.

After a long, convoluted conversation with Matthew, we also decided it wasn't necessary to go with him to the nursery supply place today.  He had a complete inventory of plants/trees/shrubs from the nursery, so we just walked around our garden areas and working from his diagrams, could pretty much decide what would work, and where, and how many.  If all goes well, the stuff will be delivered on Tuesday, and planting will begin..!!  I can't wait.  It's been nothing but mud and dirt and barren ground for over two months now--I want to see some life, and green growing things.

Three heavenly days of sunshine and totally warm weather have evaporated into rainy, windy April showers today.  Yesterday it got into the mid-70s, which was almost too amazing to believe.  We had every door and window in the house open in an effort to dissipate the unexpected heat, and it was nearly 10:00pm last night before it felt cool enough to close things up again.  I know, I know.  I'm sure those of you still in the cold, chilly throes of early Spring are probably wishing I would shut up; if it's any consolation, today is just as miserable as April should be.

It's sort of an agonizing teaser to have these spectacular glimmers of sun, and warmth, and an early Summer-like feel to things, then have it abruptly snatched away in a flurry of rain and storms and cold.  Mother Nature has a strange sense of humor, I think.


I've got a selection of things I fished from the Internet Sea over the past few days, so fill that coffee cup and sit back on this Saturday morning for a bit of trivia...

First up is this very cute video of the quickest way to get down a flight of stairs...


Next are two bored, elderly ladies playing pranks on passing motorists.  I really laughed at this one...


Last video is very cool.  It's called "water painting" and wow, it's amazing.  This is also an advert for the plight of millions of people around the world who don't have clean water.  Though it's in French, for a written English translation, follow this link then scroll to read the message under the video.


And to finish the post today, let me share this mind-boggling link to the most stunning bookstore on the planet.  It was originally a theatre, but is now the Ateneo Grand Splendid Bookstore in Buenos Aires.  (I love it...not only Grand, but Splendid as well...)

I live in this small town in the wilderness--(yes, I really do; any town that doesn't have a bookstore is a bloody wilderness in my book...pun intended)--so to see the magnitude of this place just kills me.  Not only the sheer volume of books, but the beauty of it, too. Sigh...


Have a great weekend all...

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