Anyway, digressing here. So, I'm sitting at the laptop, looking at the images on Bing, when this astounding photo comes up. I nearly dropped my coffee as I gasped to Alan: "OMG, look..!! We've been there..!!"
Now, to digress again: We had some choices before coming to America. Mine were to either stay in Scotland, or move to southern Italy. Alan wanted America. We toyed with staying in Scotland but moving to a different area, though I was very clear my preference was Italy. The deciding factor ended up being the exchange rate between pound sterling and the euro. Not good. I frankly didn't care and knew we could find a reasonable place somewhere along the Amalfi Coast, though in the mountains rather than along the sea. Still, the finances took the day and lo and behold, after many months of planning, here we are...soon to be living in Roseburg, Oregon.
Back to this morning. Here's the image that filled my eyes and my brain this morning as I choked on my coffee. For a jaw-dropping view, click on the photo and you'll understand why I wanted to live along this amazing coast.
Image courtesy of
Atrani, Italy. My second choice of "Please, please, I want to live here" after Ravello, my first choice and a village further down the coast. We drove through Atrani on our travels down the Amalfi Coast, though didn't have this most spectacular aerial view since we were on the ground in a car hurling along the treacherous road, dodging scooters, peds, cars and buses.
I guess what I'm musing on today is: Will the house in the clouds be a worthy substitute for Italy..?? For Scotland..?? Should I work harder on the Zen of "living in the moment" and stop yearning for what isn't..?? What if the moment you're living isn't the moment you want to live in..?? Is this all too bloody esoteric for a Saturday afternoon..?? Has my brain melted into a blob of Jell-o inside my head from the scorching 104* heat today..??
Or maybe it just boils down to this: We've been on the road for over six weeks now and I just need to be in my own place, sleep in my own bed, stop living out of a suitcase and get back to my life. In America. Not Italy. Sigh.
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