Here's the new, and hopefully improved, blog. Until I settle on a specific main photo, I think I will just follow the theme of my blog (meandering), and randomly change the picture as the mood strikes me. We are going on a day trip Monday to the Redwood Forest and I will surely want those majestic trees posted. In the Fall, Alan and I will head off to Crater Lake as well--after tourist season--so between trees, lakes, and our new house, stay tuned for some brilliant photos.
Besides the Redwoods, we are also going to take a little jaunt to this place called Shady Cove (about 20-25 miles from Grants Pass), where we have heard there is the best Mexican restaurant this side of the Rio Grande.
Oh, and here's a very cool thing. Yesterday we stopped at this great antique store/trading post and Alan found me this adorable creature. It's handcarved from wood (duh), and I just love it. It stands about 11" tall, and is that a great face, or what..??
This morning I finished all the final prep for moving: calling the water, garbage and electrical services, so now it's just a matter of waiting. My least favorite thing to do. Still, if we can do the Redwood drive and the Mexican drive, maybe the week will just fly by. Right..??
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