Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011


The refrigerator was exchanged yesterday, and the new one looks as good as a new one should.  So that whole deliver/install fiasco is over.  I've used the new dishwasher--what a dream machine it is..!!--rearranged the shelving in the fridge, and the reshuffling in the freezer.  All is good.

The boys are doing very well together, though unfortunately Ozzy is teaching Max two of his most annoying habits: barking like a loon before we go on a walk, and running off with wild abandon on the off-chance that a bird in the bush is really a squirrel.  Yesterday at the park, Oz took off like a Greyhound with Max right on his heels.  I gave chase before they both ended up in the blasted river, slipped in the swamp/bog that is the grass these days, and ended up falling with a great splat into the mud.  I was covered, from shoes to jeans to nearly the top of my coat.  It goes without saying that I was most definitely NOT a happy girl.  Max is usually the most obedient little creature...until Ozzy leads him astray.  Funny how good habits aren't picked up, but the bad ones are.

I'm feeling a tad better today, though last night I was convinced a lung transplant was in my future.  I swear, if I had coughed any harder, my internal organs would have become external.  Somehow though, I had a good night's sleep for a change, and today I think it just might be possible that I'm on the mend.  Maybe.  I'm hesitant on this because I thought a few days ago that I was better, then had a relapse.

Here's a heads-up to anyone in my email Contacts list, and a very sincere apology:

Yesterday morning I was writing a comment on a Yahoo article--something I rarely do.  No big deal, just me giving a very brief opinion on what I was reading.  Later in the day, Alan says, "I had a really hard time deleting that comment you made."  I look at him blankly.  (What comment..??  I'm thinking in my head).

Turns out, when I made the comment, for some unknown and inexcusable reason, Yahoo decided to send the article/comment to everyone in my Contacts list.  NO, no, a hundred times no...!!!!!  I have never signed up for any such thing to happen, nor are my contacts EVER be used by anyone but me. 

I was outraged.  

I immediately thought my only recourse would be to send an apology email to everyone, explaining this debacle, then realized I would be spamming my own spam.  Oh, the humanity.  Trust me folks, I will never comment on a Yahoo article again.  I should sue the bastards for their invasion of my privacy.

So.  Mea culpa, and I'm really sorry if you got some stupid email--supposedly from me--regarding a Yahoo article.  It was accidental on my part...criminal on Yahoo's.

On a lighter note:  Two good signs for a Saturday smile.  This first one is a very clever bumper sticker/car window sign.

This one is just plain embarrassing.  A bit hard to sell the product with this example, I should think...

The weather is amazingly warm today--60*, if you can believe that for a mid-January day.  We're going to switch around our routine for the dog walkies and leave in a few minutes, rather than after lunch as we usually do.  I'm trying to get a bigger block of time in the afternoons that doesn't include dogs, walks, or mud.

Which reminds me:  I need to put a change of clothes in the car...just in case.

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