Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saturday Stuff

Yesterday was another really brilliant sunny day.  I can't get over this weather...in January.  Alan and I were talking about it, as we walked the dogs in the park in our shirtsleeves.  I said I couldn't remember such great weather at this time of year; Alan--born and raised in Edinburgh--said he'd never experienced anything like it in his life.  The mornings start off misty/foggy, then by lunch it's clear blue skies and actual hot sunshine.  Amazing, really.

Matthew, the landscaper, called all the utility companies on Thursday, and three of the four came out yesterday to mark off where all the underground stuff is.  We now have a rainbow of dots and marks--one color per utility--all over the front yard.  The electricity people haven't shown yet, though they should come sometime today.  I like that there are no wires and poles aboveground to mar the natural environment of the mountain; it was interesting to see where things are below the ground, too.  I think, regardless of the landscaping to come, it's good to know where all these things are located.

Alan's Italian Creme birthday cake turned out pretty good.  It's a complicated recipe, though not hard to follow.  The cake texture is dense, though moist, and very rich with the--oh, yum, yum--frosting.  It was a good choice for something different.

Not much going on today, other than waiting for the mist to clear, and taking the dogs for their afternoon walkies.  It looks like a laid-back Saturday coming up...my favorite.

In closing, I want to post this great cartoon I found.  This is exactly how I feel about the crap surrounding the Mayan calendar's 2012 Apocalypse-Doomsday-Armageddon-End of the World scenario...

For me, this makes more sense than what the doom and gloom folks are ranting on about.  Course, I could be wrong.  In which case, I'd best go enjoy my Saturday and not waste whatever time I have left thinking about anything but sunshine and relaxation.  I'll leave the prophetic nonsense to others.

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