Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday Blues

A typical Monday: nothing going right, too tired, and very cranky.

The weather is dreadful with howling winds, and storm warnings about flooding, snow, etc.  I hope this might be the final hurrah for Winter.  I don't mind the bad weather really, it's just having to go out for the dogs' walks.

Our landscape project has hit a snag.  Why? you ask.  Because it looks like crap.  I can't even take a photo of how bad the front looks right now.  Matthew and crew seem to be making things up as they go, which is, of course, NOT how we planned it.  To further compound the situation, this is the week of the Home and Garden Show, so basically they won't be around to fix things until next week.  I'm about ready to go out and start doing things myself.

I got a jury summons.  I can't tell you how upset I am about it.  I've barely been back in America for five frigging minutes and already I've been selected.  For the entire month of April.  There is no way I can waste an entire month sitting around a damned courthouse on the off-chance I will be called.  Or worse: getting called and wasting even more time..!!  I've been stewing about this all weekend.  I'm going to write a letter and try to get excused, but my luck..??  I'm screwed.  I really, deeply, resent this judicial process.  According to the summons, it's my "civic duty" and if I refuse I can be held in contempt.  It seems to me that--as an American citizen--I should have the right to refuse, rather than be threatened with jail time.  Does coercion seem like the proper way to run a justice system..??

So.  Because of the wind howling all night around the bedroom windows, the mess in the front yard that will have to be fixed somehow, and my imminent arrest for civil disobedience...I didn't sleep a wink last night.  I'm tired, cranky, and wish I were in Italy with my little shopping basket at the market, chatting to the old Italian grandmothers about recipes...


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday sunshine

Cripes.  Again I forgot to post yesterday.  I had every intention of blogging after my shower and before the dog walkies, but...I don't know...I lost the plot or something, and before I knew it, we were out with the dogs and then it was lunch, and I had a brand new book by one of my favorite authors of all time and I couldn't wait to start it...and...well, there you go.  Or more to the point, there I went.

Nothing really happened yesterday anyway, so none of us missed a thing.

This morning I took this short video whilst standing out on the back deck.  It's a lovely Spring-like day; even with the chill, there is warmth in the sun.  Oh, and I got the name wrong for the mountain range:  Not the O'Connells, but rather the Callahans--got my Irish confused.

Hope everyone's having a good weekend so far...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Winter Storm

A monumental storm has hit the Pacific NW this week, starting way up north in British Columbia and working its way down through Washington and Oregon and into northern California.  It's been snowing here since late last night, and though it's a nuisance, still, it's also very beautiful.  We're also experiencing record-breaking cold, down into the teens for the next few nights.

This little bird house is down the slope in the backyard.  It's very decrepit and should probably be taken down, but how cute does it look in the falling snow..??


I totally spaced writing on the blog yesterday.  We had to leave early in the morning to go grocery shopping, then take the dogs to the park--where we got caught in the beginning phase of the storm, which was torrential rains and freezing wind.  By the time we got back to the house, everyone was soaking wet and miserable.  I changed clothes, grabbed a cup of coffee and the last of the biscotti **sob**, and spent the rest of the afternoon trying to stay warm while I read my book.  It wasn't until much later in the evening, when I was shutting off the laptop, that I remembered that I forgot.  (No comments, please.  You know what I'm sayin'...)


I have a couple of videos to share this morning.  

First up is Holton Rower, an artist from NYC.  He does this amazing thing where he "pours" the picture.  It's just mesmerizing to watch.  If you click on the link (his name), you can see how the paintings look once everything has dried.  Frankly, I would rather just watch the pouring part myself.


This is the cutest video.  The little goat is an orphan, being raised by (I guess), the person leaping with him.  I don't think there are many things sweeter than watching baby goats or lambs when they get to jumping and frolicking with wild abandon.

Here's the Sign o' the Week.  Too funny, and no doubt very effective in curtailing those pesky trespassers.  It got my attention...and I will never go to Sweetwater Lake, Colorado, now either.


Well, sunshine is trying to break through the snow, the road off the mountain looks good, so guess I'd better get suited up for the dog walkies.  Keep smiling...it confuses your enemies.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday Dash

I have lots of different things to share today, scooped up in my fishing net over the past few days.  We have to dash out and walk the dogs early--because a Sears repair man is coming sometime this afternoon about the brand new dishwasher--so I'm short on time this morning.


An artist named Kumi Yamashita does this amazing thing with paper and shadows.  She shows her work in galleries all over the world.  I loved this piece.  Just random bits of paper on a wall, and then the shadow faces appear.

Twice a year, Manta Rays migrate from the Yucatan Peninsula, in Mexico, to Florida...then back again.  They do this in the thousands; as in an estimated 10,000.  When I first glanced at this photo, I thought it was ivy leaves floating in water.  Amazingly beautiful.

Two humorous things now.  First, here's something I'm sure we can all identify with:  the helpful Microsoft technical support guy.  This totally cracked me up.  And explains a lot.

To finish--and I'm running out of time now so have to hurry--I thought this was hilarious.  Honestly, dogs are the funniest things, aren't they..??

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday -- Part Deux

Just a few quick photos of the mayhem in the front yard today.

The first picture shows the start of the new terrace wall which will divide the main wall from the stone walkway, leaving a planting area about where the smaller tractor is now (on the right).

With all the machinery, it's a bit hard to see what's really going on here, but where the large tractor is (left), will eventually be where the stone steps go around to the back deck.

From the street, you can better see the dividing wall/terrace.  You can also see the skeleton oak in the background that will have to be removed at some point before they finish the landscaping on that side of the house.

It was a gloriously sunny and perfect weather day, though that's to change radically by Wednesday.  My sincere hope is the landscaping can get to a point of stability before the monsoons wash our topsoil right down the mountain.  And wouldn't that make for some photos...

Misty Monday...

The morning started off with very dense fog up the mountain, though each time I look out the window, the view changes.  First you can't see across the road, then you can see the mountains in the distance, then back to nothing.  You can actually see the mist rising and swirling and rolling over the ridge.

My bro-in-law has come down for a whirlwind visit this morning, bringing a container of his delicious biscotti, a recipe he has perfected.  When dunked into my coffee this morning--yum, yum--it was melt-in-your-mouth wonderful.

Scott was meeting with a surveyor guy from Roseburg, about the lot next door to us--the last remaining lot on the mountain.  Being the engineer he is, he wants all the facts, details and pertinent information.  A good thing.  So, with today being Presidents Day, and a holiday for him, he flew down the freeway this morning and arrived not only in record time, but with biscotti in hand.

In this chaotic photo, it looks like a used car lot, with all the vehicles, trucks and landscaping equipment.  Matthew and crew are here, forging ahead with the wall, leveling the yard, etc.  You can see the mist rolling over the ridge, and way down there, the two stick figures are Scott and the guy he drove down to meet.

Mist rolls, vaguely obscuring them in the trees as they walk...

Scott (right), and the guy, discussing...whatever.


Okay, the mist is gone, the sun is blazing, Scott is done with his meeting, and it's time to do some visiting.  Back later today with some photos of the landscaping progress.  Hopefully...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Break

A beautiful, warm Sunday in Roseburg this morning.  From freezing cold and snow, to tropical warmth...in just a day.  You gotta love it, really.

I'm going to take a blog pass, something I seem to be doing every Sunday of late.  Which is fine as we all need a break, to recharge, reboot, or---

Okay, okay...really..??  I just can't be bothered today.

Back tomorrow...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chill Out

It's going to be a laid-back sort of Saturday, mainly due to the crap weather--at the moment we have rain/snow mixed--so here are a few videos to kick off the day.


This is so cute.  The dog is playing deaf and/or dead...but then there's that tail giving away the whole game.  Too funny...

Dog Is Bad At Playing Dead - Watch more Funny Videos


Scott (bro-in-law) emailed me this one today.  It's an old one, from American's Funniest Home Videos, but still great of a poor dog scared by a Godzilla toy.  He/she manages to hide, then escape the evil clutches of the terrifying monster...


I finally found a place where I can run away from it all.  Unfortunately, I'm twenty years too late.  Buggers.  This is amazing, and I would truly love to see this, though I fear my "zip line" days are over.  I could perhaps zip to one tree, but then no doubt would have to be airlifted out.  Still.  What a fabulous, cool place in Costa Rica.

About time for the afternoon dog walk, and regardless of the weather, it must be done.  Later today I think I'll do some serious meditation...and mentally transport myself to a tree house in the rain forest--the only way I'll get there.  Have a relaxing Saturday all...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Flotsam Friday

Blink, and the weather changes.  It's already 55* (at 10:00am), with brilliant sunshine.  I think there's more snow coming this weekend, but for the moment...??  It's a most beautiful day.

I have an odd assortment of things to post today; just stuff I picked up out of the internet waters as I was surfing this morning.

For instance, this astounding short video of a train, going through a Bangkok market.  Amazing how people can adapt to almost anything.

Next we have another Inexplicable Sign.  This from Japan, where it's apparently perfectly acceptable to hang troublesome employees.

And another one from Korea.  Yum, yum, and doesn't that sound tasty..??  (In my next life I'm going to make a fortune as an English translator.  Though, on second thought...we wouldn't have such funny stuff to laugh about if it made sense).

I really had to smile at this cat.  Talk about not wanting to exercise..!!  Too funny, and exactly how I feel about treadmills and sweat and all that foolishness.

Lazy cat - Watch more Funny Videos

I'm sort of in a cranky mood today, which I will explain on another day.  It's too soon to reveal where the cranks are coming from--the jinx factor, loss of will power--whatever, never mind for now.  Suffice, that this photo pretty much covers my attitude of late...

So.  That takes care of the flotsam for today.  Hope everyone has a great weekend...and the sun is shining wherever you are...even if it's only in your mind.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Here's a first.  We're actually snowed in this morning.  Now, in an emergency, I'm sure I could throw the Chevy into 4WD and snowplow my way down the mountain.  If I had to.  But, since I don't have to, I'm sort of liking the isolation from the outside world, the quiet of a deep snowfall, the knowledge--even as I'm looking out the study window and can see huge chunks of snow sliding off the trees--that it's already melting and I'm not really stuck..

Last night we lost the Dish signal.  As it had barely started to snow, I called the repair rep, but no matter how many over-the-phone attempts, we couldn't get the signal back.  A technician is coming this afternoon.  I tried again this morning: Dish still not working.

Also, Alan can't connect to the internet on his laptop, though thankfully I'm not having any trouble--at the moment anyway.

I took the dogs out earlier, when the snow was deep and fresh and still falling in thick, fat flakes.  Ozzy nearly disappeared in the drifts, though Max stayed right with him the whole time.  It was sort of a "I've got your back, buddy" thing.  They did their morning routine, then both bounded up the driveway and into the garage, leaving me to flounder up the slippery slope by myself.  Yeah, thanks, guys.

Here are a few photos I took this morning, though I imagine most everyone is sick of looking at snow.  What we need now is color...the Spring color of daffodil, primrose, snowdrops.  Oh well, Spring will come, it always does...

The new wall looks good, though I took this photo because of the Birch trees.  They were beautiful in the mist, covered with snow.

Shot from the front porch/deck, across the driveway.

Same view, just a close-up.  You can really see how thick the snow has clumped on every limb and branch.

This is my favorite shot of the day.  I had just turned from taking the photo above, and caught the sun trying to peek through the mist.  I snapped a quick picture before the mist returned and totally obscured everything.

So.  Due to weather, no television, no internet (for Alan), and no getting down the mountain until much later in the day, that pretty much takes care of things here.   At least for the moment.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mid Week

The small wall up the driveway has been (more or less) finished this morning.  I think it will look okay, once the path in the front yard is done. 

I don't like how the main wall has been finished, but the end result--regardless of my input--is fine with Alan and the guys.  They had already made up their minds what they were going to do before asking for my token opinion, and the thing is...??  I have way too much knowledge and experience to be treated like a moron, or the clueless little woman.  So.  I have stepped away from the landscape project and will leave them to do whatever.  I'll be the official photographer from now on; I think that will suit much better.

The small wall, enclosing the corner.  It will not go any further up the driveway; it's just a corner finish thing.  Apparently the path--along the front towards the back deck--will start about where this wall ends.  You can sort of see that in the bottom photo.


The weather yesterday walking the dogs was fairly good, though just as we got back to the car, the rain came down in buckets.  It was great to have timed that just right, for a change.  The next couple of weeks are supposed to be very unstable in the weather around here.  I don't know if it's normal in southern Oregon, to have snow, rain, wind in February...though, it is still Winter, after all.

And speaking of dogs and walks and weather...it's time for the afternoon Swamp Walk.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Snowy Tuesday

Yes, a snowy Tuesday.  I couldn't believe it this morning when I opened the drapes.  At first I thought it was just heavy frost, then realized that no, I was looking at a snow-covered world outside the window.  Buggers.  After so many days of warm, sunny weather, it's pretty weird to suddenly fall back into winter.  The rain started shortly after my first cup of coffee, and now everything has turned into a thick layer of slippery slush.  I really had to coax the dogs out; one look and Ozzy decided he couldn't be bothered so went back inside and took his morning nap.

The landscape guys came this morning, but after spending most of their time chipping ice and snow off the stone, and watching their trench for the small wall along the driveway fill with water, they called it a day.  I truly can't blame them.  They looked frozen, wet and miserable.  Our weather is to stay crappy and really cold for at least another week, with snow showers mixed in with lots of rain.  Guess that other shoe I was waiting for finally dropped...

I found just a few interesting items this morning that I liked, though not enough to even finish half a cup of coffee.  There was such an overload of Valentine's stuff yesterday, I think everyone has crashed and burned and taken Tuesday off.

This very short video is good.  And how many times have I done the same thing when too tired to hold up my head...??  (The video is pretty big, but for some reason, I didn't have the usual option of resizing it).

I liked this birthday link.  You just type in your birth date, and everything imaginable that happened when you were born is listed.  It was really interesting...except the part where you find out how many days, hours, minutes, etc., have passed so far in your lifespan.  The information is very detailed, and fun.

The Inexplicable Sign of the Week really isn't.  Well, it is, but more inexplicable because it's a sign at a US National Park and there is a glaring misspelled word.  I mean, really.  No one caught this before the sign was posted..??

That's about it for today.  It's frigging freezing outside today and I'm not looking forward to the dog walkies, at all.  Between the frigid wind, the random rain/snow, and my compelling need to stay indoors, I can guarantee the walk will be short.  And miserable.  Crap.

Monday, February 14, 2011

February 14th

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope you all have a great Valentine's Day, whether you share it with someone, or spend it by yourself.  It's traditionally a holiday for couples, I know, but it's also the most perfect excuse to eat all the chocolates we want.  Enjoy the day, no matter your circumstances...

Here's a great little video that I thought was very cool and clever.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday at the Park

We took the dogs to River Forks Park, outside Roseburg, this afternoon.  We've been going there all week, mainly because it's quiet, but also because it gives the dogs (and us) a truly nice, long walk.  It didn't hurt that today it's 66* and the breeze feels like the tropics.  I took my camera for a change, so here's a short video of one area of the park along the Umpqua River.

Those funny little teepee things are for the children, presumably for when they get inspired to play Cowboys and Indians.  And as usual, Alan has either his head or his butt in my pictures...in this case, both.  You can see Max a bit better, though he wasn't happy with the camera earlier when I took the photo below.

Winter has its own stark beauty, doesn't it..?

He dashed under the bench, between Alan's legs--where we were sitting to admire the view--and wouldn't come out until I hid the camera under my sweatshirt.  Poor wee thing.  Alan thinks maybe someone took a picture of him with a flash, and it traumatized him.  Course, we'll never know; I just hope that over time he'll calm down and get used to it.

That pretty much takes care of Saturday. I'm going to have some cookies and coffee now, then spend the rest of the afternoon reading my latest, most excellent, book.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Just Stuff

A nice Friday.  No tractors, grinders, or other strange unidentified landscaping machinery to dent the quiet.  Actually feels like Saturday.  (And isn't that an odd thing...that a day has a "feel" to it..??)

I have a few tidbits to share, plucked randomly from my blog reads today, so settle back for a Friday Coffee Break and look at a sweet video, and some photos.

This is a most adorable video of a puppy having a bath.  It was done in slow motion, and for once, the choice of music in the background is perfect.  So, here's Iso, having a bath...

We can't skip the Inexplicable Sign of the Week.  This one takes the cake.  What in the world..??  Dispose of children here..??  It's from Estonia, where they either have a very weird sense of humor, bad taste in signage, or a serious problem with their children.  Any clues for a meaning on this one..?  Weird, huh...

I love this next one.  Paradise is close, though Desire is just around the corner; unfortunately Panic arrives shortly thereafter.  What were those early Pennsylvania settlers thinking when they named their villages back in the day..?  Apparently they weren't as repressed as we'd like to think...well, until Panic set in, I guess.

I'm always posting cute animal photos, mainly because they're, well...cute.  These horse pictures are beyond cute and into a whole new realm.  Majestic, beautiful, spectacular creatures.  There were other horse photos here, but these two in particular were just breathtaking.

All this white beauty needs is a fairy princess...or a unicorn horn.  Look at that stunning mane.  Humans should be so lucky to have such long, flowing tresses.

But honestly, this black stallion looks like something from myth, doesn't he..??  A horse for Ares, the god of war to ride.  Or, Vercingetorix, the King of Warriors who fought the Romans against all odds in 56 BC.

Both Photos by Alexia Khruscheva

Though, in this famous painting of Vercingetorix surrendering to Julius Caesar, his horse is actually white.  In my mind, I've always pictured him on a horse like the one above.  I've had a crush on ol' Vercingetorix for years...sigh.  What a guy.

Well, that ought to just about do it for today.  I'll leave you with this one last photo, which made me laugh.  (Click on the photo if you can't read it properly).  Have a good weekend everybody...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday Update

The main wall is nearly complete, though we need the capping stones and two connecting little walls behind each pillar.  The guys did a major job today by finishing the courses, doing the gravel and filling in behind the fabric pipe stuff.  

There is a Home and Garden Show in Roseburg at the end of the month, and Matthew has a landscaping display of his work, and a booth, so from now until the show he is taking Fridays off to get that organized.  Which is fine with me.  Today was particularly noisy, with the tractor, the grinder, the gravel dump thingy (haven't a clue what it's called), and I am looking forward to a quiet day tomorrow.  In light of that, there will be no changes to the look of the wall until Monday, so these few photos are it for now.

The wall will look ever so much better after the capping stones are on, and the dirt behind the wall is leveled.  Then we will have a terrace, another small wall, and stone steps from the driveway around to the back deck on the side of the house.  It all seems insurmountable to me at this point, but Matthew is still enthused...thank goodness.

I made Chocolate Chip cookies this afternoon, and think I will now go have a cup of coffee and a few cookies.  Yum...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wall on Wednesday

The guys--now three of them--have been sweating away all day on the Great Wall.  It's slowly rising, and looks amazing.

Here's a shot for my engineer bro-in-law, Scott.  See the weird fabric piping and gravel drainage..??  So far, so good on Matthew's skill.

The first of the corner pillars, though it will be about three stones higher than the wall by the time it's done.  Good thing we have a very large entrance into the driveway...and don't drink and drive.  This pillar would wipe out the car, no problem, if we bashed into it.

Here's a close-up of the actual stone, with all the myriad colors streaking through it.  Oddly--or maybe not really--the stone is called Highland Stone.  I don't think Scotland will ever be out of my thoughts...or my heart.

A better view of the wall, looking up the road.  From this angle, it truly looks like the Great Wall of Roseburg, stretching into infinity.  I didn't really think our front yard was this long, but now that the wall is being constructed, it's turning into the longest wall on the mountain.  I can't wait to see it finished.

Last shot is looking down the road.  This isn't a great photo as the black fabric stuff is behind the wall, making it look all crooked and warped.  Believe me, it is a perfect wall.  I am so happy with the work Matthew, and of course, his crew, are doing, I can hardly stand it.  Again, we have lucked out with the people we have found for our renovation projects.

So, that's the Great Wall update for Wednesday.  I think it should be pretty much finished by Friday, or at least close enough we can have a really good idea how it will ultimately look.  The weather has been brilliant, other than cold mornings and rain for a bit yesterday, otherwise, it's been sunny and totally beautiful.  Lucky all the way around, then.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Great Wall of Roseburg

The landscape guys have been laboring for two days now just to get the first course of stones down.  It's a bit difficult when they are working with bedrock in many places.  This morning they arrived with this machine that breaks up the rock, so by late this afternoon, they were finally finished with the base stones.  It should go much faster now, as all they have to do is haul the large stones, then build up the wall, layer by layer.  I know...I'm being very cavalier when I say, "all they have to do."  Each stone weighs a ton, and check out the length of the wall...

The stones are really cool--streaked with natural browns and dark grays--and the color will blend into the landscaping, plus match the muted tones of the new paint/trim on the house.  Tomorrow I should be able to take some photos that will actually show the blocks rising above street level.  Course, how high will depend on the aching backs of Matthew and his trusty sidekick.  All I can say is: Better them than me...

Monday, February 7, 2011


For some reason today, there were a plethora of videos on the internet.  I spent the morning sifting through several, trying to decide which ones to post on the blog.  Some of the best were adverts from yesterday's Super Bowl Sunday, so I just selected one as I figure most of the civilized world--at least in America--was watching the Big Game.  (Apparently I'm not civilized because I couldn't be bothered.)

Anyway.  Here's the first of the three I chose.  To really get all the words in the song, you'll want your sound up, though if you're at work, use your own judgment...or wait until no one's around.  Pam can definitely belt out this tune and you don't want to miss what she's singing...it's really funny, and so, so true.

This is a Super Bowl commercial.  I love the play on words: karma vs carma.

And then there's this one.  It's beautiful, poignant, and true.  As in a true story, of five old men in Taiwan.  I loved this video so much, even though it made me shed a tear or two.  The subtitles are short, so don't be put off.


The guys are here this morning building the stone wall out front.  I will hopefully have some photos to post later of their progress.  Frankly, it's backbreaking work and I'm really glad I'm not out there, hoisting and pounding and sweating.  I'd much rather be inside, on this cloudy crappy Monday, watching cool videos.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Kilt Story

After the Groin...post this morning, Alan and I were laughing about the video of the guy in the kilt.  Which led us directly to a sidesplitting Kilt Story of our own.

We  got married in Edinburgh, in a beautiful Scottish ceremony with friends and family.  Our reception was held at The George Hotel, a most famous landmark in Edinburgh.

As we knew the drinks would be flowing fast and furious throughout the reception, we booked a suite at the hotel so we could just stagger make our way upstairs rather than drive home.  Eventually, quite late in the evening, everyone finally left and with arms laden with cake, champagne bottles and assorted gifts, Alan and I headed for our room.

I was in the lead, Alan about ten feet behind me, when he suddenly says, "Uh oh."

Our suite was down this little private hallway, at the top of the hotel, and I was eager to get rid of all the stuff in my arms.  "Uh oh, what?"  I ask as I'm nearly to the door.

With a slight edge of panic in his voice, Alan says, "It's slipping!"

I think something is ready to fall out of his hands, so I quickly turn to help him, though with my own arms full, there wasn't going to be much I could do.

Just as I spin around, his kilt falls in a puddle at his feet.

We both look at each other, then I started laughing.  No, I started howling, with a my-stomach-hurts-tears-streaming-oh-my-god laugh of epic proportions.  I had to lean against the wall to hold myself upright.

Alan is not amused.  He's hissing at me to help him pull up the kilt, or at least take some of the stuff out of his arms.  I try to compose myself, but there's no way.  He's standing in the hallway of this totally exclusive, fancy hotel, with his kilt at his feet, and his manly parts waving in the breeze.  No one could have kept a straight face.  He finally bends over, drops his burdens on the carpet and tries to get the kilt adjusted.  I'm hopeless to help him.

"What if someone had come down the hall," he barks.

"Especially when you were bent over," I gasp.  And that sets me off again.

In a huff, he gathers up the packages off the floor and says with as much dignity as he can, "Could you please open the door."

Okay, I realize this is our wedding night and maybe I better get some control over myself before I totally ruin the mood.  I walk to the door, juggle the stuff I have in my hands and unlock the door.  Alan takes two steps forward.  And the kilt drops like a stone at his feet.  Again.

Honestly, if my life had depended on it, I would not have been able to stop laughing.

Finally, the hilarity of the whole thing hits Alan, and he starts laughing too.  We stood in the hallway of The George Hotel, on our wedding night, rolling with laughter, with his kilt around his ankles.

And, yes, in case there was any doubt:  A true Scot definitely goes commando.

A Groin By Any Other Name...

My bro-in-law Scott, an engineer, clarified something for me.  Seems the Inexplicable Groin Sign I posted yesterday means something altogether different than those pesky manly bits...though the spelling on the sign--at least anywhere in the world except America--is usually groyne.  According to Scott and Wikipedia, a groyne is a rigid hydraulic structure built from an ocean shore, or from a river bank, that interrupts water flow and limits the movement of sediment.  So, those of us that were clueless, we have learned something new.  However, I think it's a truly funny word for an engineering feat.

Here are two signs, one from South Carolina and the other from Brighton, England.  And, sorry, I know I'm a total juvenile here, but the word--on a sign--still makes me laugh...

This is great.  A man named Allen Swift, from Springfield, MA, received this car from his Dad as a graduation gift in 1928.  It's a Rolls-Royce Piccadilly P1 Roadster.  He was the only owner, and drove it until 2005, when he died at the age of 102.  Not only is that factoid astounding, but look at that car..!!  What a beauty.

Via Presurfer

My friend Morag, in Edinburgh, sent me this hilarious little video.  There is always the question of what a Scotsman wears under his kilt.  A true Scot would go commando, though I'm not sure why that is.  Might have something to do with they didn't have underwear "back in the day."  To my mind, going without gives me shivers--and not for the reason you're thinking...!!  It's just too bloody cold most of the time to have...um...dangling participles.  In any case, here's a prank by a guy in a kilt, up a ladder.  Good one...and how hard do those folks try NOT to look, but somehow can't help themselves.

That's all I've got for a dreary, damp Saturday.  Yes, the sunshine--after days and days--is taking a break and we have cloud-filled skies with a threat of rain.  I don't mind.  Except when we take the dogs out this afternoon for their walkies.  It's been ages since a Swamp Walk and I haven't missed it.