Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Here's a first.  We're actually snowed in this morning.  Now, in an emergency, I'm sure I could throw the Chevy into 4WD and snowplow my way down the mountain.  If I had to.  But, since I don't have to, I'm sort of liking the isolation from the outside world, the quiet of a deep snowfall, the knowledge--even as I'm looking out the study window and can see huge chunks of snow sliding off the trees--that it's already melting and I'm not really stuck..

Last night we lost the Dish signal.  As it had barely started to snow, I called the repair rep, but no matter how many over-the-phone attempts, we couldn't get the signal back.  A technician is coming this afternoon.  I tried again this morning: Dish still not working.

Also, Alan can't connect to the internet on his laptop, though thankfully I'm not having any trouble--at the moment anyway.

I took the dogs out earlier, when the snow was deep and fresh and still falling in thick, fat flakes.  Ozzy nearly disappeared in the drifts, though Max stayed right with him the whole time.  It was sort of a "I've got your back, buddy" thing.  They did their morning routine, then both bounded up the driveway and into the garage, leaving me to flounder up the slippery slope by myself.  Yeah, thanks, guys.

Here are a few photos I took this morning, though I imagine most everyone is sick of looking at snow.  What we need now is color...the Spring color of daffodil, primrose, snowdrops.  Oh well, Spring will come, it always does...

The new wall looks good, though I took this photo because of the Birch trees.  They were beautiful in the mist, covered with snow.

Shot from the front porch/deck, across the driveway.

Same view, just a close-up.  You can really see how thick the snow has clumped on every limb and branch.

This is my favorite shot of the day.  I had just turned from taking the photo above, and caught the sun trying to peek through the mist.  I snapped a quick picture before the mist returned and totally obscured everything.

So.  Due to weather, no television, no internet (for Alan), and no getting down the mountain until much later in the day, that pretty much takes care of things here.   At least for the moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pictures are stunning! An espresso and biscotti kinda morning. Forget tv and computrons. Enjoy the quiet. There's at least two of us that envy you.