Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Winter Storm

A monumental storm has hit the Pacific NW this week, starting way up north in British Columbia and working its way down through Washington and Oregon and into northern California.  It's been snowing here since late last night, and though it's a nuisance, still, it's also very beautiful.  We're also experiencing record-breaking cold, down into the teens for the next few nights.

This little bird house is down the slope in the backyard.  It's very decrepit and should probably be taken down, but how cute does it look in the falling snow..??


I totally spaced writing on the blog yesterday.  We had to leave early in the morning to go grocery shopping, then take the dogs to the park--where we got caught in the beginning phase of the storm, which was torrential rains and freezing wind.  By the time we got back to the house, everyone was soaking wet and miserable.  I changed clothes, grabbed a cup of coffee and the last of the biscotti **sob**, and spent the rest of the afternoon trying to stay warm while I read my book.  It wasn't until much later in the evening, when I was shutting off the laptop, that I remembered that I forgot.  (No comments, please.  You know what I'm sayin'...)


I have a couple of videos to share this morning.  

First up is Holton Rower, an artist from NYC.  He does this amazing thing where he "pours" the picture.  It's just mesmerizing to watch.  If you click on the link (his name), you can see how the paintings look once everything has dried.  Frankly, I would rather just watch the pouring part myself.


This is the cutest video.  The little goat is an orphan, being raised by (I guess), the person leaping with him.  I don't think there are many things sweeter than watching baby goats or lambs when they get to jumping and frolicking with wild abandon.

Here's the Sign o' the Week.  Too funny, and no doubt very effective in curtailing those pesky trespassers.  It got my attention...and I will never go to Sweetwater Lake, Colorado, now either.


Well, sunshine is trying to break through the snow, the road off the mountain looks good, so guess I'd better get suited up for the dog walkies.  Keep smiling...it confuses your enemies.

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