Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Snowy Tuesday

Yes, a snowy Tuesday.  I couldn't believe it this morning when I opened the drapes.  At first I thought it was just heavy frost, then realized that no, I was looking at a snow-covered world outside the window.  Buggers.  After so many days of warm, sunny weather, it's pretty weird to suddenly fall back into winter.  The rain started shortly after my first cup of coffee, and now everything has turned into a thick layer of slippery slush.  I really had to coax the dogs out; one look and Ozzy decided he couldn't be bothered so went back inside and took his morning nap.

The landscape guys came this morning, but after spending most of their time chipping ice and snow off the stone, and watching their trench for the small wall along the driveway fill with water, they called it a day.  I truly can't blame them.  They looked frozen, wet and miserable.  Our weather is to stay crappy and really cold for at least another week, with snow showers mixed in with lots of rain.  Guess that other shoe I was waiting for finally dropped...

I found just a few interesting items this morning that I liked, though not enough to even finish half a cup of coffee.  There was such an overload of Valentine's stuff yesterday, I think everyone has crashed and burned and taken Tuesday off.

This very short video is good.  And how many times have I done the same thing when too tired to hold up my head...??  (The video is pretty big, but for some reason, I didn't have the usual option of resizing it).

I liked this birthday link.  You just type in your birth date, and everything imaginable that happened when you were born is listed.  It was really interesting...except the part where you find out how many days, hours, minutes, etc., have passed so far in your lifespan.  The information is very detailed, and fun.

The Inexplicable Sign of the Week really isn't.  Well, it is, but more inexplicable because it's a sign at a US National Park and there is a glaring misspelled word.  I mean, really.  No one caught this before the sign was posted..??

That's about it for today.  It's frigging freezing outside today and I'm not looking forward to the dog walkies, at all.  Between the frigid wind, the random rain/snow, and my compelling need to stay indoors, I can guarantee the walk will be short.  And miserable.  Crap.


Anonymous said...

I sent the cat vid around work this afternoon about 3:00. Everyone agreed that's exactly the way it is!

That's a great one.

terlee said...

It's the "clunk" of the head at the end that totally says it all.