Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wall on Wednesday

The guys--now three of them--have been sweating away all day on the Great Wall.  It's slowly rising, and looks amazing.

Here's a shot for my engineer bro-in-law, Scott.  See the weird fabric piping and gravel drainage..??  So far, so good on Matthew's skill.

The first of the corner pillars, though it will be about three stones higher than the wall by the time it's done.  Good thing we have a very large entrance into the driveway...and don't drink and drive.  This pillar would wipe out the car, no problem, if we bashed into it.

Here's a close-up of the actual stone, with all the myriad colors streaking through it.  Oddly--or maybe not really--the stone is called Highland Stone.  I don't think Scotland will ever be out of my thoughts...or my heart.

A better view of the wall, looking up the road.  From this angle, it truly looks like the Great Wall of Roseburg, stretching into infinity.  I didn't really think our front yard was this long, but now that the wall is being constructed, it's turning into the longest wall on the mountain.  I can't wait to see it finished.

Last shot is looking down the road.  This isn't a great photo as the black fabric stuff is behind the wall, making it look all crooked and warped.  Believe me, it is a perfect wall.  I am so happy with the work Matthew, and of course, his crew, are doing, I can hardly stand it.  Again, we have lucked out with the people we have found for our renovation projects.

So, that's the Great Wall update for Wednesday.  I think it should be pretty much finished by Friday, or at least close enough we can have a really good idea how it will ultimately look.  The weather has been brilliant, other than cold mornings and rain for a bit yesterday, otherwise, it's been sunny and totally beautiful.  Lucky all the way around, then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's looking very, very nice. Over time too the usual greyness of the wall will age along with the colors in the concrete and just get better and better.

Careful backing out. I'd bet it only happens once though.