Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday -- Part Deux

What an experience!!  After my haircut--which went very well considering I usually end up with the wear-a-bag-over-my-head-for-two-weeks-after hair style--I elbowed my way into the sea of people shopping with a manic frenzy.  Seriously, it was bad...though oddly exhilarating at the same time.

First, I went to the shoe department at Macy's because I had a birthday gift card from my sister, and she told me the other day there were some new Clarks.  My favorite.  Since I need to replace the slip-on mules that have made me fall and/or trip numerous times--(Oooh, wait.  Save the Words!!  Let's start over with one of my adopted words).  Since I need to replace the mules that have caused me to labascate several times, I was definitely in the market for some new shoes.

Remember these from a post last spring??  Man, I loved these shoes.  They fit like a dream and had traveled the world with me for ten years.  Sigh...it killed me to throw them away.  I still miss them.

BUT.  Today I found their replacement.  Felt like they were made for my feet from the second I put them on.  I have to thank my sister profusely; first for the gift card, and second for the head's up they were at Macy's.  (It's sort of shocking really that the original ones once looked as good as these.)

Then I browsed around the store, looking for Christmas things, got some ideas, overheard lots of weird conversations, and jabbed elbows with others doing the same.  It was actually fun, in a mad, insane sort of way.  So, I'm wandering around the kitchenware department, half-heartedly looking for a waffle iron.

Wait.  Let me backtrack a second here...

I have been on an heroic quest for the old-fashioned kind of waffle iron, with just the two round burners that moosh together, with the small squares; like when I was a kid.  Everything now is Belgian style: holes are too big, it's square, some of them are double-doubles, and others rotate, for crying in the night.  I have looked in store after store, department after department.  I had truly given up and was teetering on the brink of a) never having a waffle iron again, or b) sucking it up and getting a Belgian one.

Okay, so I'm wandering around the kitchen department and see this huge display of griddles, Belgians (not the people), and other appliances.  Just as I'm turning away, I see this little box in the far corner of the display.  My heart begins to pound.  OMG!!  Could it be true???

YES!!!!   I nearly knocked over a little old lady as I barreled forward and snatched the box off the shelf.  Notice the key word under Cuisinart??  Classic.  Exactly. Classic like the perfect black dress, or single strand of pearls, or the best-loved pair of Clarks.  And it was on sale for Black Friday!!!  Oh, what a perfect day.  New shoes and a real waffle iron.

I come home a few hours later, euphoric from the whole experience.  Alan asks if I bought him anything.  

I smile and say, "Yes, I did," and I do the whole Broadway production of taking the box out of the bag, including a little dance and some ta da fanfare.  

He stares, blinks, then says, "You bought me a waffle iron?"  

I say (a bit possessive, I freely admit), "NO!  The waffle iron is mine."  (There could have been some snarling on my part here, too).

"But then," he says in confusion, "if the waffle iron is really yours, I don't understand what I get."  

"Waffles, dear.  You get the waffles!!"

Smiling faces all around.

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