Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Busy Tuesday...

Miraculously, I managed to write far more words today than I expected to, though how, I'm not sure.  It's been a very, very busy day, and I didn't even sit down at the laptop until 3:00 or so.
We dropped Oz off at the groomer's at 9:15 this morning, then headed for Costco.  Got there at 9:30, to find out they don't open until 10:00.  Honestly, the best laid plans, etc.  Spent most of the morning there--once we got in--and most of our bank account, though we won't have to buy food again for about a year.

Picked Ozzy the Handsome up around 12:30, then took him straight to the park.  The weather was amazing today, low 70s, clear, blue skies, just perfect, perfect weather.  We dinked around at the park until almost 2:00, then headed home to see how the painters were doing.  The body of the house is now totally painted, with the trim and doors slated for tomorrow.  I love the color, though can't wait to see the contrasting trim and sage green doors, or get all the plastic off the windows.  It has changed the whole appearance of the house, and its relationship to the landscape.  It now blends, rather than stands out like a big white whale.

After a very late lunch, a few trips outside to look at the house color, and even getting a preview of the trim--thanks to Kirk who painted one of the trim boards so I could see it--I finally sat down to write.  Course, I only wrote for a bit over an hour, when it was time to walk Oz to the mailbox--to placate the little bugger because he apparently felt the stop at the park after the groomer's didn't qualify as the real trip to the park.  A few more minutes writing, then a quick dinner.  Whew.  It's pretty amazing I actually accomplished what I did, all things considered.

So, now I'm beat, it's 9:00pm, and I need to sit down with my feet up, and wipe my hard drive (brain), in preparation for tomorrow.  Hope this weather holds...and my little gray cells.  So far, so good...on both counts.

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