Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Friday, November 5, 2010


I decided to start a new regime today.  Up early, blog and coffee, walk Ozzy, take a shower, then hit the writing.  Why, oh why do I bother to make plans..??  It's almost a guarantee that things will end up diametrically opposed to how I want, or expect them, to play out.

Ozzy was up at 5:00am, doing his sheep imitation: grass grazing.  Thank goodness he woke Alan up instead of me, because I tossed and turned for most of the night, fretting about the unexpected twist in my book plot.  Then, when I got up at 7:30, did I get my first cup of coffee..??  Hell no.  Barely dressed, it was outside with Oz for a walk in the heavy mist, then 20 minutes standing in the road watching him munch his way up the grassy slope.  He's had problems ever since his teeth cleaning, and subsequent antibiotic treatment in August, which I am convinced killed off his good bacteria along with the bad.  It also doesn't help that he has the most sensitive stomach on the planet.  The slightest thing can set him off--like going to the groomer's on Tuesday.  So, it's back to boiled chicken and rice for him, I think.

The guys finished the trim and doors yesterday, and wow, did that bring everything together.  I love, love, love the sage green on the three doors.  If the mist ever clears, I'll try to take some photos.  This morning they're putting up the outdoor lights, which look really good and again, that's tying things together.

Course, with this money pit house, once you fix one thing, another one bites the dust.  Tony installed the front porch light before they left yesterday, so last night I turned it on and went out to see how cool it looked.  Very.  Then, as I'm coming back into the house, there's this godawful snap and ping noise, and the bloody screen door breaks..!!  The compression thingy that prevents the door from slamming had snapped, sending shrapnel flying, and ruining the frigging door.  You hear that..??  Yep, the never-ending sound of ka-ching, ka-ching.

We now have to make a trip to Lowe's to buy a new screen door, which will complete the total annihilation of my feeble attempt at structure and order...on the very first day.  Maybe I shouldn't even be worrying about my unexpected plot twist.  At the rate things are going, I won't have time to write anyway.  Sigh.

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