Last night we got the test results on Ozzy's blood work. He has been diagnosed with Pancreatitis, though it's still up in the air if he has acute or chronic. Apparently, in a normal situation, the pancreatic enzyme count is between 5 and 35, 35 being borderline. Ozzy's counts were off the chart--literally--which tops out at 50. Unfortunately, since Oz has struggled off and on with diarrhea and stomach upsets for most of his life, I fear he might possibly have both acute and chronic pancreatitis. Needless to say, this is supremely bad news.
I had a long discussion with the vet about next steps, the first one being he will need an ultrasound to see the extent of damage to his pancreas and surrounding organs--if there is any--and dependent on what that shows, he will have to have further tests, biopsies, etc. The vet asked if he was throwing up, or still had diarrhea. I said no to the first and yes to the second. She told me if things got worse or he started vomiting, he would have to be admitted to the hospital, but as long as he was eating, and seemed on the mend, he could stay home and she would call me on Friday about scheduling the ultrasound. It wasn't a good phone call.
Last night Ozzy seemed ever so much better. He ate a good dinner, even played with some toys, and we all collapsed into bed at 10:00pm...and miracle of miracles, he slept through the night until 6:00 this morning. Eureka!! We've turned the corner. Then he went outside, and had a terrible diarrhea attack, and started vomiting.
We were at the vet's by 8:30am, and within 10 minutes Ozzy was in the hospital. He will have to stay at least until Saturday, and possibly as long as Monday. They are going to do more blood tests as well, including a test for Pancreatic cancer. When everything is calmed and he's back to his usual happy self, regardless of all the tests and ultrasounds and outcomes, he will forever more be on a very restricted diet of boiled chicken and rice...the blandest food on the planet. I don't care, as long as he gets better.
It is very strange, and horrible really, to be in the house without him. It's going to be a very long couple of days, especially if I can't stop blubbering. I called my sister, which helped. She is glad he's in the hospital, being monitored and cared for, and eventually I came around to her point of view. I'm not a vet, I'm the mother, and have to leave it to the professionals.
So, poor wee Ozzy isn't out of the woods yet, though at least he's with people who will know how to help him. Cross your fingers and toes that he'll be fine soon...!!
1 comment:
Hang in there OZ-man!
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