Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Saturday, November 20, 2010


The video below just about covers my current state.  You would think that over these past two days without Ozzy getting us up every half hour for a week, that I would easily conk out at night and sleep, no problem.  Ha.  All I do is toss and turn (or watch the Science Channel), and am just as exhausted today as I have been during this whole terrible ordeal.

Courtesy of Miss Cellania

The vet has just called this morning to say Ozzy can come home later this afternoon, IF he continues to improve.  Apparently he's eating well, and hasn't been sick or had diarrhea since Thursday.  I'm very nervous about this.  It's one thing to have him hooked to IV fluids and be monitored hourly by professionals; it's quite another to unhook him and send him home.  When I said this to Dr B, he said if he didn't think Ozzy was fit enough to be released, he wouldn't let him go.  I guess I have to trust his judgement, don't I..??

It will be soooo great to have him home.  It's just amazing how a tiny, 8-lb dog can fill a house.  Alan and I wander around in the deafening silence, pause to stare at each other, and wander off again.  It's dreadful.  So, crossed fingers that he actually will get home today, won't have a relapse, and will keep getting stronger as the days go by. 

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