This afternoon we were sitting out on the garden bench, reveling in the sunshine, when I noticed this lovely Nasturtium. I grabbed my camera and for the next half hour tried to get the blasted Macro to work.
This is as good as I could manage. Now, this isn't a bad close-up, but with my old Nikon SLR I could have done better.
So, moving on to a different Nasturtium, I tried again. Same result. An OK close-up. but buggers, where is the shot I'm looking for..??
While I was virtually laying on my stomach on the garden path, fiddling, fiddling, fiddling, I changed my options from Auto to Manual. This time when I hit the Macro button, I suddenly found SUPER Macro.
I know we should all stop and smell the flowers, but maybe we should also stop and look at the flowers. Is this amazing, or what..?? What beauty inside a flower. Click on the photo to see it's incredible.
I love playing with the functions on my camera, i'm still learning things about it...2 years later!
It's amazing how this macro stuff works. Honestly, today I just had to shut the camera away in a drawer or I wouldn't have gotten anything done...!!
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