Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Just Tuesday

Yesterday Alan gave up on his computer. It just wasn't working, and his new desk was laden with too much equipment, including my old laptop. So, he did some research and found a brilliant deal on a laptop (and may I interject here by saying: That's what I said to do in the first place when we were still in Edinburgh; not only more convenient spatially, but it would save on shipping the behemoth British computer to America...sigh).   Anyway.  We went down the mountain, to Staples of all places, and he has now been happily ensconced at his desk with his new HP ever since.

We took Ozzy to River Forks park again in the afternoon, before the trip to Staples.  He really loves that place and runs with such wild abandon, it's a joy to watch.  Fall is just now starting to show its colors, though it's a far cry from anything I'm used to in Scotland.  The past two days have been a bit chilly in the mornings, but definitely not cold enough to kick-start the trees into changing yet, and by afternoon it's back to sunny and warm.

This is just about the only tree in the park that is showing signs of autumn, and even so, you can barely see the red in the upper branches, even if you click on the photo.

Last night as I was closing the blinds, the darkening sky opened a portal to who-knows-where.  It was beautiful, and eerie as it only lasted for moments.

Today we went into Sutherlin to pick up a sewing machine cord for my Pfaff.  I bought this particular machine in the UK because it has the ability to switch from UK to US electrical systems.  All I had to do was get the US cord, flip a button on the base of the machine, and I would be all set for America.  That's a great plan if you live in a large city, rather than the wilderness.  Eventually, about two weeks ago and after several phone calls and internet searches, I found this quilting/sewing place in Sutherlin, ordered the cord, and yesterday this very helpful woman who owns the shop called to tell me it had arrived.  At first glance, I thought I was doomed as the plug into the machine didn't match, but when I got home, I managed to fit a square plug into a round hole.  Go figure.  Which just disproves that old adage (square peg, round hole) because in fact, it can be done..!!  I flipped the switch, turned on the power, and yippee...my excellent machine is good to go.

I forgot to mention this interesting thing.  The other day when Matt, the landscape guy was here, he told Alan his father-in-law belonged to the Scottish Society of Roseburg.  Alan already knew about them and had sent a few inquiring emails from Edinburgh, but the funny thing was, the in-law's last name is a name in Alan's family tree..!!  How weird is that..??  Those darned Scots are everywhere, aren't they..??  And as the name is very odd and different, Alan told Matt he would get in touch with the father-in-law and compare notes...or tree branches...or something.  And good grief, wouldn't that be strange if they were somehow related..??

My sister called really early yesterday morning.  I thought something had happened as we never talk that early in the day, but instead it was good news.  She had just finished reading my book...!!!  We talked for about an hour about the characters, the plot, what happens next, etc.  Her enthusiasm was just the hit I needed to boost my energy levels for NaNo in November.  She has never read a paranormal book in her life, and still she loved it.  She said she shed a tear or two, laughed out loud, and flipped the pages like mad to find out what was going to happen next.  Wow.  It just totally made my day.  Though...now she's insisting on weekly updates when I start Book Two.  What have I done..??

That about covers things for a warm and sunny Tuesday up the mountain.  I should get something planned for dinner before walking Ozzy and finishing the laundry.  Or...maybe I'll just sprawl on the couch and read.

Photo courtesy of Pat McNulty

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