Blink, and the weather changes. It's already 55* (at 10:00am), with brilliant sunshine. I think there's more snow coming this weekend, but for the moment...?? It's a most beautiful day.
I have an odd assortment of things to post today; just stuff I picked up out of the internet waters as I was surfing this morning.
I have an odd assortment of things to post today; just stuff I picked up out of the internet waters as I was surfing this morning.
For instance, this astounding short video of a train, going through a Bangkok market. Amazing how people can adapt to almost anything.
Via Presurfer
Next we have another Inexplicable Sign. This from Japan, where it's apparently perfectly acceptable to hang troublesome employees.
Via Arbroath
And another one from Korea. Yum, yum, and doesn't that sound tasty..?? (In my next life I'm going to make a fortune as an English translator. Though, on second thought...we wouldn't have such funny stuff to laugh about if it made sense).
I really had to smile at this cat. Talk about not wanting to exercise..!! Too funny, and exactly how I feel about treadmills and sweat and all that foolishness.
Lazy cat - Watch more Funny Videos
I'm sort of in a cranky mood today, which I will explain on another day. It's too soon to reveal where the cranks are coming from--the jinx factor, loss of will power--whatever, never mind for now. Suffice, that this photo pretty much covers my attitude of late...
So. That takes care of the flotsam for today. Hope everyone has a great weekend...and the sun is shining wherever you are...even if it's only in your mind.
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