Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Another Storm

We had such wind and rain last night, we actually lost power for a time.  It's amazing how dark total darkness really is.  No glow from the microwave or the oven clocks; no light from the neighbor's porch.  It happened really quickly too.  One minute I was watching the end of a television program, the next we were groping for a flashlight and trying not to stumble into furniture.  About the time Alan found the flashlight downstairs, and I was convincing the shivering and terrified Max that the weird chirping noises coming from the fire alarms was not some sort of alien invasion...the electricity came back on.

We managed to have a good dog walk this afternoon, though shortly after getting home, another storm hit with more torrential rain and wind.  The landscape guys had planned on digging and laying the pipe for the sprinkler system today, but were having such a hard time slogging in the mud, they had to call it a day earlier than usual, and I don't blame them one bit.  It's miserable out there this afternoon.

Speaking of the landscaping.  Yesterday they finished the connecting bit from the front walkway to the back deck.  Still rough, but the stone path is done.

Ozzy, looking through the back gate.  He is such a Nosy Parker.  Heaven forbid he miss something.  And look at the poor wee fuzzball.  His hair is spiking out all over from the terrible grooming nightmare--like he stuck a paw in a light socket and got electrocuted.  At the rate of growth, it will be way more than a year before he looks like his old self again.  Buggers.

The view in the other direction, to the curve, before going down the front bank.  Again, pretty rough, though at least the stone work part is finished.  For some reason this photo makes the path look like it's tipping to the left.  It's not.  Just the photographer...

It was good to see my mother yesterday, even though it was a very short, drive-by visit.  She did indeed bring the famed Brother-in-Law Biscotti...and yum, is it ever good.  I think, after all his experiments, Scott has nailed the proper balance of taste, texture and deliciousness.  Here are three perfect pieces that I scarfed down with a cup of coffee immediately after taking this photo.

Tomorrow we have to drive 60 miles north to talk to a tax person.  Yes, 60 frigging miles.  We tried to find someone local, but apparently there isn't one single person qualified to help with international finances/taxes in the whole of Douglas County, let alone Roseburg.  I might not be blogging tomorrow, depending on how the day goes.  We'll see.

So, on this stormy day, I'm going to sign off now, and go read a book.  It's the only thing to do on such an astoundingly crappy afternoon...

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