Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


The first day of March.  Somehow we've gotten through the longest, dreariest month (January), the shortest, and now, suddenly it's a brand new month, with the glimmer of light at the end of the wintry tunnel.  In fact, Spring will officially begin in about three weeks.  Let's hope it heralds warmer weather and lots of colorful and beautiful flowers and buds.

Here are some cool March quotes; the Dickens one being my favorite:

"March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb" (traditional Old English)

"March winds and April showers, bring forth May flowers" (traditional Old English)

"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold:
When it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” (Charles Dickens)

"Up from the sea the North wind is blowing
Under the sky’s grey arch
Smiling, I watch the shaken elm boughs
Knowing it is the wind of March." (William Wordsworth)


I have to change my main Meandering photo, though have been so angst-ridden about that damned jury crap, I haven't done much except compose letter after letter--in my head--to get myself out of the whole process.  My brain is melting, to say nothing of my lack of sleep, as I endlessly ponder how best to do it.  My mental letters alternate between begging and snarking.  Snarking makes me feel better; begging would no doubt fall on deaf ears.  I'm working on a balance of the two.  All to no avail in the long run, I'm sure, but hey...it can't hurt to try.


For crying out loud.  Really, people..??  How many students applied for their services, I wonder...


I saw this wonderful video yesterday; today it's gone viral, so you may have already seen it.  Still, it's worth watching again if you have.  There's just something about a little kid laughing his head off with so much joy that lightens the spirit.  Here's wee Micah, hysterical, as his father does nothing more than tear up paper...


I've got a big pot of chili cooking in the crock pot, and can't wait to make some cornbread muffins later tonight for dinner.  Yum.  I don't like cooking really early in the morning, but once it's done and I don't have to think about dinner for the rest of the day...it's a good thing.  As the day goes on, the aroma of the chili will permeate the house, and by the time I take the muffins out of the oven, sprinkle grated cheese over the chili, and we sit down to eat...well...it doesn't get much better than that.

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