Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

Spaced, the Final Frontier

I took a couple of days off the blog.  I didn't mean to, but one thing after another was going on around here and by the time I'd think about posting, it was either too late, I couldn't be bothered, or I just totally spaced it.  Some days are just like that.

Plus, we can't ever discount procrastination...which does have its merits...

I needed to escape for a bit too, which means I leave this reality and dive into a different one: Books.  It's just the way I roll.  When I need to clear my mind, get away from things, find some perspective, the only way I know how to do that is to read.  Some people drink, do drugs, have affairs, run away...I can do all those things just by turning pages.  So, I did my normal, day-to-day stuff, but in between and around that, I dove headfirst into a really good trilogy that totally absorbed my attention for two whole days.

I was in a nostalgic mood the other day whilst looking for my March Meandering photo.  I wanted something spring-like, so I chose the one above...a wonderful shot of the Cramond Kirk, just down from our old house in Edinburgh.  I took this last Spring as the daffodils were shooting up in giant clumps all over the grounds of the Manse.  It made me very homesick, but I love the picture.

The landscaping work is on hold for the week.  Matthew and crew were here on Wednesday to remove some stonework, then we went over our ideas and expectations, so with any luck when they come back to work on Monday the front yard will begin to look more in line with what we were thinking in the first place.  We'll see.

I sent off my "please please let me be excused" letter to the courts yesterday.  I don't stand a snowball's chance in Hell of getting out of this jury deal, but I had to try.  (Like that will make any difference to my attitude when I'm forced to spend the entire effing month of April stuck in a frigging courthouse....aaarrrggghhh.Okay, okay.  Enough already with the whining and whingeing--at least for now.

My mother sent me this video the other day.  It just seems too amazing to be true.  I mean, really.  How in the world would these guys have gotten the trajectory just so exactly perfect to make such a landing..??  Though, I have to say, the guy who flies/lands looks pretty stunned that he survived, so maybe it's authentic after all.

I have two Inexplicable Signs for this week.  The first one is just...well...human.  We never listen, do we..??  Or, in this case, we never pay attention to the warnings.  And I'll be the first to admit: there have been many times that I have disregarded signs if I was after a particular photograph or wanted to see a different viewpoint that was off-limits.  It's either a total disdain for life and limb, or as humans we take a perverse pleasure in breaking the rules.  (And really, I don't see why you can't walk along that trail...I would have, too.)

Then, there's this one.  Sigh.  I don't know what to say.  Who's the dope..??  The people who made the sign, or the people who put it up..??  Maybe it's a fairy godmother sign and if you park in her space, she'll turn you into a toad..??

That's about it for Friday.  Weather is perking up, sunshine is streaming through the windows right now, and I must get on with the morning.  Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

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