Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Monday, November 29, 2010

Another Monday

I went on a binge this weekend.  Not food, not alcohol.  Books.  It was glorious, and something I haven't done for ages.  And also why I didn't post yesterday...I was lost in my books.

Saturday, after taking Oz to the park, we went by the only bookstore worth mentioning in all of Roseburg:  While Away Books.  It's a used bookstore, but filled to overflowing with...well...obviously books.  The only other place for books is a very small--about as big as my living room--Walden's at the mall.  Normally I order books online, but every now and then, I just get desperate for a real, honest-to-goodness bookstore.  (I have to question a town that doesn't have a good bookstore.  It's one of my main complaints about living here).

Anyway.  I didn't find what I was looking for, but picked up a book by an author I had not read before, just to have something for a rainy, cold Saturday afternoon.  It turned out to be one of the funniest books I've read in I don't know how long.  It was so good, after Ozzy's walk on Sunday, we went back to While Away and I bought another one by the same writer.  And that one was even funnier.  Seriously, I laughed out loud several times, and the last 50 pages were so hysterical, I had to stop reading a few times to wipe away the tears.

If anyone's interested, the author is Jennifer Crusie; the two books were:  Welcome to Temptation, and the sequel, Faking It.  Temptation took place in a small town in Ohio, called, what else, Temptation; sequel was about art forgery.  Both were very, very funny.

Two days of reading, two days of laughter, and all for under $5.00.  You can't get a better deal than that.

Course, it wasn't just lazing about reading.  In between the books, we also finished our Christmas cards, took Ozzy on his walks, I made a delicious soup that filled the house all afternoon yesterday with homey, comfort smells as the rain pelted down outside in buckets, and talked to my friend Morag in Scotland for a bit, catching up on news, etc.  It's always great to talk to her, though it does make me homesick.


Dr Barrie called this morning to ask about Ozzy.  What a wonderful vet he is.  Not only because he kept Ozzy out of doggy heaven with his skill and expertise, but because he cares.  We had a brief conversation about his food, and it might be that Oz is on this gastrointestinal stuff for the rest of his days, though that's okay if it means he doesn't get sick again.  We'll be reviewing all this after the 30 days on the diet is over, sometime in December.


I finished off the last remnants of the turkey yesterday by making a gigantic pot of Turkey and Dumplings.  I used the family recipe for dumplings this time and got the fluffy, yummy ones Mom used to make, instead of the gnocchi ones from my last attempt.  The soup was really good, though I have so much left, we will either be eating it all week, or half the freezer will be filled with dinner-sized containers.


Tonight we may go to the big county park where they have a mile and a half drive, through the park, of a Winter Wonderland, with lots of lights and displays, etc.  About three weeks ago, we were talking to the park ranger guy and he said it was just beautiful if you come on a misty evening as everything glows and it's very mysterious.  Since it's always misty in the valley, that should work out just fine.  If we go, I will try to take some photos to post tomorrow, though I don't know how any pictures will work in mist, in the dark.  Still.  I'm game to try.  Last night, from our vantage point up the mountain, we could see Christmas lights on several houses down below, and I expect as the days go by, we will have our own little Winter Wonderland without even leaving the house.  Cool.


And last, but not least, I saw this cute, funny video this morning of two cats playing Patty Cake, while two guys do the cats' voices.  It's pretty clever, to say nothing of how the cats really look like they're playing Patty Cake.

 Video from Miss Cellania

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