What a crap day Friday turned out to be. In the midst of it all, I decided to change my main Meandering photo, to cheer myself up. It didn't work; in fact, just made me want to go home--as in go home to Scotland. (I know, I know...big baby, whingeing whiner, blah blah. I don't care, I do). How long does it take an ex-pat to readjust to their own country..?? Quite a bit longer than you'd think, as it turns out.
So, instead of exchanging a Scotland photo with something different for this month, in a fit of pique, or defiance, or rabid homesickness, I replaced the Crieff shot below, with another Scottish photo: Dryburgh Abbey.
The Borders are a beautiful, pastoral area in the far south of Scotland, and yes, bordering England, hence the name. Lots of violence, turmoil, wars, etc., throughout the centuries for such a gentle land. The main abbeys (the ones still standing after various and sundry historical upheavals) are Melrose, Dryburgh and Jedburgh. All three wonderful, ancient and cool.
I didn't write one single word for NaNo yesterday, for the most part because we were all over town trying to find a frigging screen door, and order two Levelor blinds. The traffic was outstandingly bad for small town America, which added to my frustration. I could feel my brain starting to froth. All I wanted was to stay home and write. A simple trip down the mountain--I figured an hour tops--took four, and we only managed to accomplish one task, which ended up being a special custom order because the bloody screen door was not the standard size. Of course it wasn't. That would have made things easy, and less expensive.
We get back to the house at 3:30, the painters have left, but the house is completely finished, all touch-ups done, outside lights/lamps installed, finito. (There's still the garage floor to seal, but that's minor in comparison to the whole house). Glory, glory hallelujah. We put light bulbs in all the new fixtures, discussed what color for the garage floor, then I took some photos, though the sun was setting and I only got a few worth looking at.
How much do I love this green door..??
Another view of the door, and the new porch lamp.
This is a truly horrible picture of the house. For the life of me, I can't get the colors to come out right, or the contrast between the body and the trim to show up properly. Even the garage lamps look stupid. In real life, everything looks great. (So I suppose I should stop bitching and be thankful, right..?? Ha. Too bad it doesn't work that way).
We hauled Ozzy around with us, mainly because I didn't want to leave him home alone after all his grass grazing earlier in the day, and he really likes being wheeled around in the trolleys at the stores. By the end of the day, he was fed up and may never want to go anywhere with us again.
When everything was said and done, it was nearly 5:30 and too late for anything constructive--like writing--so I called my sister. Turns out, her day wasn't any better than mine. I think there must have been an evil planetary alignment in the cosmos. A good thing that came out of our chat: we ended up discussing my plot twist and she gave me some good feedback. I am encouraged. Slightly. Maybe. I won't know until I stop blogging and get to work. I'm really falling behind and must get back on track or all will be lost. Sort of like how my plans for yesterday played out. Totally, irretrievably lost.
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