Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Sunday, November 14, 2010


After posting the blog this morning (below), I went out to the living room to check on Oz.  He couldn't even be bothered to open his eyes, or raise his head.  Quick call to the emergency clinic and fifteen minutes later, there we were.

The vet was extremely cool, knowledgeable, and best of all, Ozzy didn't have a heart attack being around her.  (Man, does he hate anything to do with the vets).  She injected a subcutaneous solution under his skin, because he's so small and was dehydrating, which he sailed through with no complaint, bless him.  (I doubt many humans would appreciate a big bubble of water injected under their skin...I know I wouldn't).  

The next worry--after the water issue--was getting him to eat.  When she took him away for the injection, she returned with a jar of Gerber's Turkey w/Gravy baby food, and said, with a big smile, "Watch this."  She scooped a small bit onto a tongue depressor and Ozzy almost took her arm off..!!  He snarked down scoop after scoop as if he hadn't eaten in days--which he hasn't.  She gave us the jar and told us to dole it out sparingly in case it made him throw up, but so far, so good.  Her other recommendation was low sodium chicken broth, mixed with water, so he could get some protein with the fluids.

We get home, I mix the broth, give him a little baby food--which nearly cost me my hand--and now he's resting behind the couch, in better shape then he's been since Thursday.  I totally, sincerely, hope we are on the other side of this, though the question still remains:  Why is this happening to him..??  The vet suspects Irritable Bowel Syndrome, though to be sure will require tests, biopsies and various and sundry horrors that I would rather not put my tiny 8-lb dog through, unless there's absolutely no other option.  She also thought it could be a food allergy, an ailment that can flare up for no reason, even in humans.

All I care about now is that he recovers from this latest bout of whatever, and we can all get a flaming good night's sleep tonight.

Haven't decided yet on the towel throwing; just have to see how the day goes, I guess.

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