Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Monday, December 27, 2010


Another dreary Monday.  I am so not fond of Mondays, though I have groused about it in other posts, so won't belabor the point in this one.

I had to remove my email address from the Contact Me tab.  I was suddenly getting a rash of weird spam and couldn't for the life of me figure out why.  I'm very careful where I use my email to avoid this very thing.  I realized the other day, however, that other bloggers don't have their emails on their sites and, like a dope, I had mine posted for all and sundry.  So, those of you that legitimately have my address, forge ahead; anyone else..??  Use the Comments function and I'll call you back.  For the spammers out there:  Bugger Off..!!

Here's the coolest short video.  Amazing how little credit we give to the creatures in our world.  This is definitely an "aawwww" moment.

Via YouTube

Isn't that cool..??  It took a minute for the tortoise to work it out, but he/she managed perfectly in the end.

And then, because I'm a sucker for these wee animal photos, I will finish today with this picture.  Wouldn't we all like to be doing this right now, on a dreary Monday morning...??

Courtesy of Amo

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