Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Stuff and Things

I'm going to be sort of busy today, so thought I would just post some photos and a very funny/happy video rather than blather on...besides, I don't have anything yet today to blather about.

Check out these actual road signs.  I mean, really.  What??

Okay, this apparently means explosives are prohibited in your car.  Ah, ya think..???  I don't have a clue where this photo was taken, but I know I don't want to go there.

This one just sort of defies rational thought.

And last but not least.  Instead of an airbag, you now need a parachute while driving in this unknown  area of the world.  No doubt people plummet straight off the "Precipitous Bluffs" while they're trying to figure out where the parachute button on their car might be.

All three photos courtesy of TopTenz

Goats.  They are the funniest creatures.  You won't be able to hold back a smile as these hilarious little kids play...

Three days and counting until Christmas, so as I head off to start my morning, I'll leave you with this greeting o' the day...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love reading goofy road signs. You might like: http://www.hotrodsandclassics.net/roadsigns/roadsigns1.htm