Daisies, River Forks Park, Roseburg, Oregon 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Quiz

I was going through all my digital photos yesterday looking for my new Meandering main photo for February.  I have well over 2,000--covering the last four years--from Scotland, Italy, London, and all across America.  As I'm tripping down Memory Lane, I realize that though our world is incredibly diverse, the geology and/or geography is also startlingly similar.  I looked at a photo of Scotland that compared to another of Utah; another from Scotland looked like Oregon. 

So.  Let's take a short quiz.  Can you tell where these photos originated..??

I'll give you a hint.  Below are three photos:  Idaho, Scotland and Utah...not necessarily in that order, of course.  Can you identify which picture belongs to which place..??


Second part of the quiz.  These three are Oregon, Washington and Scotland...again, not in any particular order.

Interesting how alike they are, isn't it..??  I'll post the answers tomorrow.

I got so sidetracked with the similarity photos, I forgot to find my Meandering main picture.  Oh well, I still have until Tuesday, February 1st.  And wow, how fast did the long and dreary month of January fly by..??  Though, I have to say, for the first time ever--except when I lived in Hawaii--January wasn't dreary at all, but wonderfully pleasant and sunny.  The weather folks here are referring to it as Juneuary, and it's true.  Such warm, unexpectedly great weather has been an amazing blessing.

I'll leave you with a smile from this video about not judging; what you see may not be what is.  It's just a little something to think about on a Sunday morning...

Via flixxy

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